This is weird

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Yea idk what to say except go vote and comment
Oh also
I didn't proofread so if there's any grammar or spelling mistakes please point it out
Okay enjoy:)


Private messages between 'bombshell🍒' and 'topaz🐍'

Bombshell🍒: Toni?

Bombshell🍒: i'm in front of your trailer to take you to pops

Bomshell🍒: toni

Bombshell🍒: let me in

Bombshell🍒: topaz?

Bombshell🍒: istg if you're still in bed

Bombshell🍒: i'll climb through that window you still didn't close up

Bombshell🍒: seriously you need to close that, you're on the southside people will come in to kill you

Bombshell🍒: let me in

Bombshell🍒: o p e n t h e d o o r

Bombshell🍒: toni

Bombshell🍒: would i be able to kick in this door?

Bombshell🍒: topaz im hungry seriously open the damn door

Bombshell🍒: what would happen if you were still in bed and i would call you...

Bombshell🍒: cause i'm pretty sure you're still asleep

Bombshell🍒: yea i'm calling you

Calling 'Topaz🐍'

Call accepted

"Toni?" Is the first thing Cheryl says as the phone got picked up.
"Nope, guess again" she heard a more masculine voice from the other side of the line say.
"Oh hello there hobo, what are you doing with Toni's phone?"
"The dwarf is still in bed, she left her phone in my kitchen"
"She's a your trailer" Cheryl said a bit annoyed.
"Yup, she slept over. Didn't she say that in the groupchat yesterday?"
"I thought she would have gone to her own trailer, i mean there's only one bed in a trailer and I thought you guys were practically neighbors" Cheryl explained.
"We've known eachother since we were around 4 years old, we've been sleeping in the same bed since we were kids anytime we needed to"
"Oh" Cheryl became more annoyed each second.

"I thought you never came on this side of town?"
"Well Toni and i were going to pops"
"As a date, don't you and Toni hate eachother?"
"Of course not as a date, Donnie Darko"
"Why are you and Toni going to pops then"
"To work on our song why else"
"I thought you were only doing that after school?"
"Well we decided to do it this Sunday too what do you care?" Cheryl said even more annoyed then she already was.
"I don't"

"Well great, now will you wake Toni up and send her to her own trailer?"
"I'll do that for you if you do something for me"
Cheryl sighed,"alright, what do you want me to do?"
"Could you ask Toni questions about me, like how she feels about me?"
Cheryl could feel herself growing angry with the boy,"why do you need me to do that?" Her voice came out less calm then she intended to.
"I want to ask her out but i don't want to ruin a friendship, so i just want to be sure about how she feels about me"
The girl didn't know how to answer him, she didn't want to do that.
"Alright" she said, her voice sounding even more annoyed and angry then before.

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