"Okay I will make something according to his diet" she said "and you and rohan go fresh n up even you should have your lunch" they both nodded, and went from there dropping Avinash in hall, as he wanted to have luch with everyone.


It was 6 in the evening, priya saw Rahul and Sid sitting in the garden and talking something, in past days she didn't had time to talk with them, she felt guilty for her own behaviour.

"Hey" she said approaching them.

"You remember us" Rahul mocked

"Iam sorry guys, I was just busy"

"Ofcourse you was" sid said

"What happened to you both"

"Nothing just tell me one thing, why do you care about him so much Priya"

"What that question even mean guys ofcourse I care about him"

"And why Priya, are you so obvious about everything or you are acting like you don't care" Priya looked at him questioningly

"Okay let me explain, fist rohan made you responsible for everything that happened in his brother's life even for his accident when it's clearly his fault

Then he comes and call you bhabhi like nothing happened like nothing at all, and you talk to him forgetting everything.

And then that doctor calls you as Avinash's wife and you say nothing, like it's so common to you

You take care of him without even resting like you are his caretaker.

And our elders they don't say anything, even when rohan kept you in center and said all those words or even when you want to stay in hospital with Avinash"

"Sid first thing Rohan apologized me, and I know he wasn't in his right mind at that time because if Avi's condition, and him calling me babhi isn't the new thing." Sid scoffed at her

"Okay leave that why do you care about him, when he made you cry and don't forget he is the root for all your problems"

"I think there is more story to it, which I don't know and maybe everyone knows"

"Oh really if it has back story, why he didn't told you"

"Even I don't understand that guys, maybe he don't want to hurt me" priya said thoughtfully

"Come out of your dreamland Priya, why you are seeing this positive side of story after 2 years" sid rolled his eyes

"Because he made me to see"

"Which clearly means he manipulated you" Priya looked at them in disbelief.

"Listen guys he doesn't manipulated me and i can feel there is something I don't know"

"Whatever think as you like but did you chucked your phone"

"Why, no" she answered

"How will she sid, madam was so busy, our exams are after three months and we should submit our project in a month" Priya nodded

"We are going back to India tomorrow" sid said

"Why" she asked confused

"Because we should submit our project, you understand right and yous isn't compleated yet" rahul voiced


After dinner Priya was with Avinash giving his medicine

"Priya you didn't gave another one" he said, she looked at him confused and then gave him another tablet too.

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