Final Chapter

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10 years later have passed...beach city was still the same, well...Almost the same, now that Stella and (YN) are now married and with twins as well, a boy and a girl, the boy was named Steven, and the girl was named  Nora, two wonderful children, and yet playful as well, Stella and (YN) never would have thought to have such a better life than this, alongside with the crystal gems, Connie, and Greg...One day, at Stella's house, (YN) seemed to be like he was looking for something, but it wasn't just something, it was someone as he started calling his kids name out...

(YN): Steven? Nora?? Kids?? Where are you little rascals?

(YN) kept on checking everywhere, the room, the kitchen, the living room, everywhere on the house...and yet nothing...

(YN): I know they should be around here somewhere. But where could they be?? *...Hehe. I got it*

(YN) soon walked over to the fridge as he then opens the top cooler and takes out two cookie cats and the walks over to the living room and says...

(YN): Oh boy. Look what I got. Two delicious scrumptious cookie cat ice creams. It'll be a shame if I just eat these two knowing there the last ones here at the house-

Steven/Nora: Noooo!!!

Suddenly, his two kids, Steven and Nora appeared falling from the ceiling as they landed on top of their father...soon laughing for fun and his dad as well...

(YN): Haha. There you are, little pipsqueaks.

Steven: Come on dad! Don't eat the last cookie cats!

Nora: Yeah, those are our cookie cats! We don't wanna wait for more to come until next week!

(YN): Hehe. I know. It was just a trick to find you two little shrimps.

Nora: ...Dang it, your good.

Steven: He's always good.

(YN): Hehe, no worries kids. Here, you can have them.

Steven/Nora: Yay!!!

Both Steven and Nora grabbed their cookies cats and started enjoying them, eating them...

(YN): Okay, now that I found you two, we have to go to your Grandpa Greg's van for the barbecue party he's having. Your mom and the others are waiting. And besides, if every pork chop weren't perfect...

Steven/Nora: We wouldn't have hot dogs!!

(YN): Hehe.

Steven: Let's go then dad!

Nora: Yeah, I wanna go eat some of Grandpa Greg's delicious burgers!

(YN): Hehe. Alright you two, climb up to my shoulders.

Steven and Nora started climbing up to their father's shoulder, soon sitting down on his shoulders as (YN) started walking out from the house and heading over near the shore...afterwards, they soon to see Stella, Greg, Connie, and the crystal gems having a fun time at the barbecue party....

My Lovable Gem (Stella Universe x Male Gem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now