Parvati flipped her dark locks over her shoulder and gave me a knowing look. "It seems like it's more."

I immediately thought of grey eyes and smoke.

I shook my head again. "I promise you, it's not."

She clicked her tongue, clearly not believing me, and shifted her gaze back to her magazine. "Whatever you say, Hermione."

I began to furiously work on Ron's essay, rushing to finish so I could meet Draco at seven. It was like my brain was split in two, one part working on the essay and the other thinking, turning over Parvati's words.

Do other people think that? That Ron and I are together, or are going to be? I grimaced.

It was logical, I suppose. Expected. I'm supposed to end up with Ron. Expected to.

And yet my mind wandered to quicksilver eyes and warm skin.


I came running into the library at 7:05, crashing down across from Draco, panting heavily. I had finished Ron's essay and put it on his bed at exactly seven and had proceeded to run like hell across the school.

Draco looked very amused as he watched me try to catch my breath. "Tiring evening?"

I couldn't speak, so I just nodded, still gasping for air. He muttered something under his breath, and I looked up and saw him holding out a black goblet to me, filled to the brim with water. He placed it in my hands tentatively, eyes still humorous. "Drink up, Granger."

I shot him a grateful look and threw my head back, draining the goblet with a few gulps. I gave the cup back and shut my eyes, sighing with satisfaction. "Thank you."

"Do you want to work in the Astronomy tower tonight?"

My eyes shot open, and he was staring at me, waiting for my answer. His eyebrows were slightly raised in question.

"Oh, sure. Why?"

He shrugged, crossing his ankles. "Change of scenery. And who knows, we might be inspired."

Draco stood up, his hair shifting across his forehead. His robes fluttered around him in an invisible wind. Smirking down at me, he offered his hand. I took it, electricity coursing through me, and he pulled me off the ground and onto my feet. So warm. Electrifying.

And then it was taken away. He dropped my hand and started walking, jerking his head at me to follow.

I scurried after him, jogging a bit to catch up. "Are you ill?"

He looked over in surprise. "No."

Then why do you burn? "Oh. Okay."

We walked in silence, our steps in sync. Walking up the spiraled steps, Draco let me go first, then shoved my back a little so I tripped across the steps. I let out a loud laugh and shoved him back, and he rocked back on his heels, chuckling. His face was glowing, his eyes lit up by the moonlight coursing through the windows.

Bursting through the door still giggling, he headed over to the rim of the tower and sank down, swinging his legs over the edge. I looked between him and the safety of sitting by the wall. Is that safe? It's like he read my mind, because he looked back and waved me over encouragingly, his eyes soft.

I could get used to that, his soft eyes.

I came over and sat next to him, slowly guiding my legs over the ledge, making sure not to glance down. He bumped my shoulder lightly and pointed up to the stars, his expression serene. "That constellation right there?" He put his hot finger under my chin, guiding my gaze to a cluster of bright stars. "That's me. Draco."

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