Introduction/Request Page

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(Edited Tuesday, April 12, 2021)

Hello, I'm the author, Skeeter.

It has come to my attention that with a growing amount of readers, which thank you all very much, I must apply more strict rules. So, here is a reread, and re-addressed introduction/request page.


(Requests are open!)

I will write:

(T/W: Mentions of r*pe, incest, and other similar things)
If a request is made, I need the ship, a prompt (one or two sentences to however many paragraphs), and what the plot should be. From the selection, you can choose any of the three. (Of course, there are exceptions for a mix of two or all three, or things simply like hurt/comfort, found family, and it doesn't have to be a ship! I can do stories based around singular people upon request.)

If you are to requests, do not include:
-Insanely problematic and/or living figures. (Ex. No Hitler, Donald Trump, and figures like that)
-No slurs
-Or anything really to do with M-preg AUs (I do not feel comfortable with writing them, my apologies)
-No modern AUs, please. I don't know how to write those.

You can request:
-Heavy smut
-Heavy angst as long as it is not romanticized.
-Mythical AUs, as long as they take place during the Person's time
-If you request, there can be mentions of self-harm (or in heavy angst, there will be warnings if I am to write it out).
-Anyone in history (if they existed at the same time and preferably met) can be requested. 
*Ex. Napoleon/Tsar Alexander the 1st, Voltaire/Frederick the Great, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens. 


Anyway, as I mentioned, some of this may be weird for certain readers. I am a proud writer, yes, and taken into consideration my stories, it is best to realize that I am serious- though the ideas are satirical (for the most part). 

Likewise, the personality of the characters will be surrounded by the actual characters' (except for maybe the first two chapters due to them being jokes) personality in life. John Laurens is reckless, Lafayette is blood thirsty yet excitable, etc... 

Well, that's about it for the introduction. Enjoy, lovely folks of the world. Enjoy. 

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