xxxvii - 𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦

Start from the beginning

All these emotions, fears and realisations felt all too much for her already fragile state; and rather than dealing with facing the day.... she found the only peace she could find was in closing her eyes.


The white noise in Number 2, Tenley Street was defeating, aside from the sound of his own voice - all Tommy could do was watch as the horrified expressions unfurled on the Grant sister's face.

The truth came out simplistically, a sharp contradiction to the nasty and manipulative mannerisms encased inside. Tommy tried at least not to fumble over his words for the sake of letting the truth see the light in a concise manner, one that reflected his regret in what he had done.

He made this clear as he concluded his story - the lie he had brewed around Verity's business, the fact he had forced her to work under him and everything else that followed along.

On the last breath, Tommy's eyes dared to lift to Nina, who's own hazel eyes glimmered sadly with the threatening of fresh tears.

Her lips parted, agape and unable to close as if the shock had stunned her into a statue like state. She merely stared out the blinder, brows slowly knitting into confused anger and bitter pain.

"Why did you wait until now?" Nina finally trembled, a single teardrop falling from her eye. Her face muscles twitched from sorrow into pure animosity once again - as if her brain was processing far too many emotions.

"Why did you wait until the damage was done?"

Tommy hung his head momentarily, feeling that unmistakable blanket of shame cover him. He could only tell himself he deserved this.

"Because I was a selfish prick." He suddenly replied, voice low in respect to young Harry playing in a room just down the hall. "I thought Verity was just another pretty thing I wanted." He avoided Nina's enraged gaze, and fixated his own on the corner of the rug momentarily.

"You evil bastard." Nina said with no hesitation, her words as lashing as a whip, "You ruined Verity's relationship with me. Our parents. Her nephew." She began to sniffle again, so angry that keeping the tears at bay was near impossible.

"I did." He replied collectedly, nodding sombrely, drawing in a short breath as if to compose himself when he finally looked back at the sadness struck sister. "I wanted you to know the truth, and hopefully to make amends with Verity. If there's at least one thing I can for her, it would be to see her happy with her family again."

His voice had taken on that usual deceptive formality Tommy put in when in any tricky situation,  it was his own protective little front so that people would hopefully never get to see the full extent of his emotions. He had remained somewhat composed, although clearly remorseful and ashamed - and that was indication enough for Nina that he was not here to waste her time.

"Here's the address of her current clinic, in the Cotswolds." Tommy said, handing over the address he had managed to discover on that fateful day from Charlie's letter. "But she's currently with me at the moment. If you wish to call to speak with her, then feel free." He pointed to his own number written at the bottom of the sheet, watching as Nina's eyes flickered uncertainly over the information.

"Why is she with you?" She asked, looking bewildered, "after all you've put her through? Is she really that daft?"

Tommy stifled a small scoff, it would have been daft which she have been there out of choice.

"Don't worry. She only came back to tell me to leave her alone. She's twisted her ankle. I imagine she probably can't wait to leave."

How he wished his own words weren't true. She should have never felt like she had to leave him in the first place... but of course, what else had he expected? The monster of guilt that had been hanging off his back for months had finally bit him.

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐃𝐄 ♚ 𝙩. 𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙗𝙮Where stories live. Discover now