Part Four

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It's finally here -- Big thank you for your patience. This final installment rounds out the initial idea I had for life after the separation and sets up the soon coming sequel, Through the Fire. Things get a little steamy at certain points -- you've been warned :)

Hope you enjoy it! XO, Reddixon

Donning, black swim trunks, Robert poured two glasses of ice water and headed out to the deck. Andy was still changing into her swimsuit. He smiled to himself as he recalled the day. It had been the perfect start to their getaway. When they got back from their beach walk, they hadn't done much of anything, lounged on the deck, stared out at the ocean and talked. It was crazy just how good it felt to be together. No rules, nothing off limits, no work and nothing to worry about. They were able to be fully present with one another. After a late dinner, they were headed to the hot tub.

He was lost in his thoughts, having one of those moments where it hit him, really hit him, that life got to be this good. He'd been alone a long time...first with his parent's death, running from home to the marines as soon as he graduated to get away from Opa, then Claire and his friend Ripley. He spent years pushing down loneliness, burying himself in his work, doing anything to keep other people at a distance, in fear that he might get hurt. But a couple near death experiences and his wife bulldozing her way into his heart and he was alive again. He felt alive again. It was both amazing and terrifying, but he was grateful. He was pulled out of his thoughts by his wife's voice.

"Falling asleep on me already?" Andy teased as she made her way into the hot tub.

"Not a chan...." Robert replied as he took in the sight of her. Her hair was tied up on the top of her head, she was barefoot and her perfectly curved body filling out the red bikini was a scene out of his wildest dreams.

Andy smiled inwardly as she got just the reaction she planned for. Robert's eyes had glazed over and he lost his words. She flashed her husband a sexy grin, "See something you like?"

"How am I supposed to resist you when you look like that?" Robert asked as Andy took a seat next to him and he wrapped an arm around her.

"Why would you be resisting?" Andy whispered as she pulled him in for a steamy kiss. She stroked the side of his face gently and held him close, getting lost in their embrace. Her head buzzed with desire and the nerve endings down her spine tingled. She pulled back slightly and tipped her head back up so she could eye her husband. Staring into his eyes, with a slanted grin. "I love you. Thank you for a perfect day."

"I didn't do anything," Robert said as he leaned in for another kiss. "And I love you too."

"Mmmm...that's sweet, but I beg to differ. Just say you're welcome." Andy replied with a small smile.

"You're welcome." Robert pulled her in close and Andy's head rested gently against his shoulder. They stayed that way for several moments.

"Okay, question for you." She looked over mischievously and Robert nodded. "What was the first thing you noticed about me when we met?"

Robert laughed. "Are you really going to make me answer that?"

Andy nudged him gently. "That bad, huh?" Andy feigned shock.

Robert pulled her in closer and returned her gentle nudge as he laughed. He was trying to find a way out of answering. "No...I just..."

"You still haven't answered." Andy gave him a look that said, "I'm waiting".

"Okay, so you're obviously gorgeous. It would be impossible not to notice that..." Andy smiled. "Next I'd say, your audacity."

"Huh?" Andy replied with a confused look.

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