"But," Baylor babbled.

"But nothing," I said, "Your king has dismissed you for the day. Now pick up that patch I gave you and put it on as you leave. Unless, of course, you want to lose your hands."

His eyes went big and he painstakingly picked up the healing patch with his now black hands. The three of us stayed silent as we watched him stumble out of the room. The doors closed and Cato turned to face me. "You're terrifying," he commented.

I shrugged and responded, "I've been called worse."

Drake glared at his brother and growled, "But not here."

I shrugged and changed the subject, "So what's the issue that got everyone so riled up?"

Drake sighed and grumbled, "The people have been petitioning for us to get involved in human affairs."

"Oh don't worry. The king is a good man. He takes human escapees and refugees and gives them homes. I've even heard of cases where he got them back to their original towns. Amazing that any human would want to go back to the human towns though. They're constantly at war with each other. Honestly, King Drake should just take out their rulers and be done with them. Oh, I'm sorry! I don't really go out much. I'm rambling. I'm sure you don't want to hear about my political views," Taylor apologized slightly embarrassed.

"You mean the wars?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Drake nodded and mumbled, "The people want me to end it once and for all."

I scoffed and questioned, "They want you to do what exactly? Kill off all the humans? Take over their government and lands? If you do that humans will become second-class citizens whether you mean for that to happen or not. Not to mention that dragons will get hurt. Just stay out of it."

"That's close to what Baylor was saying," Drake said

"Except he didn't care about the social standing. He just wanted to make sure his son wouldn't get sent off," Cato added.

"Better reason than yours," Drake told his brother.

Cato glared and argued, "It's a good reason! I deal with those refugees every day, your wife being one of them, and I just want to see the cause of their misery eradicated."

I smiled and said, "Look at you using big boy words."

Cato glared at me and Drake let out a laugh. "This is serious Kyna," Cato grumbled.

I let out a sigh and replied, "I know it is. I've seen stuff like this before, and trust me the best move is to receive refugees and not get involved in their wars."

"We can end the wars though," Cato urged.

"At what cost?" I asked taking my hands off of Drake's shoulders, "Losing our own people over it and taking away any idea of a haven for runaway humans. If we get involved in their wars then they'll lose their safe place."

"That's not getting rid of the root problem though!" Cato yelled.

Drake shot up from his chair. We stopped talking as Drake walked over to the window. He looked out the glass frame briefly before swinging that large window open. He stepped closer to the edge of the window and I felt fear creep up my back. "What are you doing?" I questioned him.

"I've made up my mind. Thank you both for your input," he told us.

I glanced at Cato for a brief second who seemed annoyed. As my eyes were flickering back to Drake I saw movement. My eyes finished the distance and I realized that my beloved wasn't standing by the window anymore. I rushed forward to the edge of the window and could see his body falling. I let out a scream, unable to hide my terror. I got on the ledge and my mind raced with how I can get him back.

I could jump. I could summon a grappling hook in the air and save him.

Cato grabbed me around the waist and threw me back into the room. "What are you doing?" He yelled.

"Let me go!" I screamed as he held me back, "I can save him!"

At that moment a large blue dragon flew incredibly close to the castle. The stone walls shook as the blue dragon flew away from the castle. Cato then let me go and gestured to the leaving dragon as he reminded me, "He's a dragon! He can fly."

I panted and pushed my red hair back. The shock and fear of watching my soulmate plunge to the ground started to subside... and anger took its place. "I'm gonna kill him," I grumbled.

Cato smirked and remarked, "You do care about him."

I scoffed as I ran both of my hands through my long hair and replied, "Obviously! I thought he was going to die right in front of me. I... I didn't know what to do"

"I guess I wouldn't know either," he comforted, "He's usually back in a day or so. I can hang around if you want company."

I looked back out the opened window and said, "No... I'm okay. I'm sure you have a lot of work to do. I'm just going to stay here for a little bit."

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