Don't Walk Away (Again)

Start from the beginning

Feeling the same uneasiness as before, I involuntarily gasp and let go of him.

Sasuke scoffs. "Hn. You too, huh?" He says.

"Huh?" I question, but he leaves the woods, returning to join the rest of the group.

What the hell is up with him?


We walk around in silence for the entire day. The entire group is filled with tension, everyone avoiding speaking to one another.

When it starts to get dark again, we settle in an empty cave.

We all wordlessly sit down, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

Finally, Shikamaru lights a cigarette. Balling her fists, Sakura finally snaps.

"God, Shikamaru. Can you go 5 minutes without smoking?!" She shouts at him.

"Excuse me?" He responds.

"You've smoked so much this entire trip that I feel like the smoker. You know much of that shit we've been inhaling? How have you not run out of cigarettes yet?" She continues to shout.

Shikamaru dryly laughs and pulls out a second box. "Look, I know you're worried about your girlfriend, but don't take your anger out on me." He says calmly.

"Guys! How about we all relax? Let's all draw, perhaps?" Sai says.

"No one wants to draw your shitty pictures, Sai," Shikamaru says.

"...Shitty?" Sai turns to him angrily. "Excuse me?"

As the three of them continue arguing, I notice Sasuke quietly exit the cave. I follow him, the rest of the group not noticing us.

Looking around, I finally see Sasuke sitting on a rock outside in front of a pond. It's slightly dark outside, but the area is illuminated by fireflies and the moonlight.

I wordlessly sit next to him. He doesn't move away, but he doesn't respond to me either.

I put my hands in my back pocket, feeling the necklace. I fight the urge to chuck it into the pond. Staring down at my lap, I remove my hands and finally decide to speak.

"Sasuke. Do you...regret kissing me?" I ask.

Sasuke looks up at the moon, ignoring my question.

"You told me love can overcome hatred. But why can't they coexist? Why must one overcome the other?" He says.

I turn to him, staring at his face as he continues looking at the moon.

"Why do you say that?" I respond.

"It's like...yin and yang. Light can't exist without darkness. Therefore love can't exist without hatred. Why do we hide the unlikeable parts of life and embrace only the good parts?" He asks, finally turning to me.

I scratch my head. "Sasuke...what are you saying? Hatred is unlikeable for a reason. Love makes us feel good, that's why we embrace it," I say. But Sasuke doesn't seem to like that answer.

"If hatred is so unlikeable then why do you associate yourself with me?" He says coldly.

"Because that's not who you are-"

"It is! It is who I am! You just only see the parts of me you want to see!" Sasuke suddenly shouts, catching me off guard.


"This all just feels rigged game, you know that? When I hated the world, I was the bad guy who needed to be stopped. But when the world hates me, I am still the bad guy who needs to 'try harder' and love the world anyway."

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