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The moment my Gran tells me he's out of prison I grow weak at the knees and have to sit down. It hasn't even been a year.

"He sent this." Gran holds up an innocent white envelope. My name is written across it in large, steady writing.

"W-why? What is it?"

"What do you think? It's an apology. I promised I'd tell you he's sorry but only give you the letter if you took it well. You don't appear to be taking it well."

I shake my head, heart racing.

William. I can't help but look to the windows. He's out there somewhere. Watching. Waiting for me to let me guard down.

I frown at Gran. "He went to your work? Did he hurt you?"

Gran scoffs. "I'd like to see him try."

"He's not supposed to do that, is he? Contact me? Doesn't he have a parole officer? Won't he get sent back?" I chew my lip.

"Do you want the letter or not?"

I hesitate, reach out. The moment my fingers touch the paper I feel a shock travel down my arm.

He touched this.

He wrote this for me.

He's back.


"Happy Birthday, my angel."

"Thank you!"

I take the gift, admiring the neatly folded wrapping, every crease a work of art, just the way he likes it. It's one of the things I love about him. He settles for nothing but the best for me. The gift inside is no exception. A brand new phone, sleek and expensive.

"You didn't!"

"Of course I did. I couldn't have you running about without a phone. What if something happened?"

"But this is-"

"Exactly what you deserve. You've worked so hard, between your studies and your job. In fact, that's what I wanted to talk to you about." William bites his lip, a nervous habit, one that I find myself mimicking these days. He pulls out a ring box and gets down on one knee. Huh?

"Will you, please, do me the honour of becoming my-" William opens the box. Inside, resting on padded velvet, is a key, "-roommate."

I gasp, partly from surprise and partly from relief that this was not a marriage proposal. "William-"

"Before you say anything, let me explain." He stands and takes my hand. "You work so hard just to rent a lousy bedsit that you only use to sleep. If you move in with me you can quit that nasty bar job and I can easily afford our rent, just while you study. It's a win for me because you'll have more time to spend with me. More time to live your life while you're still young."

William makes some very good points. It's a tempting offer. No more working at the hole that is Joe's bar, no more lonely nights. If I had more spare time I wouldn't have to cram my college work. But...I would be completely reliant on William.

"Maybe we could try it." I say. "I'll keep my job for now, just in case, and maybe the apartment. A months trial period."

"Really?" William's eyes shine. I'd do anything to make them shine like that.

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