Chapter 7: Unusual friendship

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Morning came the blackbird woke up with the sun. Looking around her surroundings she was still not believing her eyes when she saw the small robin next to her sleeping soundly.

Well, not exactly next to her but on the same branch.

Every day the blackbird scooted closer towards the robin, marking milestones in their relationship.

She was happy that she had finally founded someone who accepted her. Looking around she saw the other birds starting to awake, flying to find breakfast for themselves.

The bigger bird wanted to take off too, feeling her stomach empty, but choose otherwise waiting for the orangish bird to wake up first as always.

After twenty minutes, the little robin was fluffing her feathers as she woke up hearing the early chirping and singing from the blackbirds.

Seeing the other bird still sitting on the same spot where she went to sleep, she felt relieved, that she hasn't left her alone in this unfamiliar environment. She was always afraid that the blackbird will leave her once.

Letting out a quiet chirp towards the blackish bird as a greeting, she stood up on her thin and wobbly feet.

Seeing this the blackbird stood up too, waiting what the smaller one will do.

In the mornings when the robin would take off hunting for bugs, the blackbird would follow her from far, watching out for her.

The small bird looked back at her and took off into the air, inviting her newfound friend to join her. The bigger bird followed her, keeping a safe distance between them.


In the end the blackbird showed her little friend where she could find the tastiest bugs and berries around the clearing.

They still had a two-meter distance but were enjoying each other's company from far away too.

Stealing glances at the other during their little walk to their tree, the robin realized that she liked this strange looking bird.

She had such a good heart, letting her stay on her branch while the other birds would have attacked her if they ever found her on their tree... The robin was grateful and decided that tonight she will be the one scooting closer to the blackbird. 

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