Chapter 5: The blackbird

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Next day the little robin was hopping again in the tall grass finding delicious berries and bugs.

She needed to find a place to stay as her parents were slowly leaving the nest behind.

Mating time was almost over for the younglings who were looking for their future mates, but her brothers already founded females from the neighbor trees.

She didn't want to mate. She was not ready. Even though a few males were courting her too, she always declined the worms or seeds they were bringing to her.

Her parents didn't understand why she would not be open about mating, it was a natural obligation through their kind.

She didn't want to think about these serious things, so she just sat down onto the warm ground underneath her feet, relaxing with her full belly.


She must have fallen asleep as she was met with the slowly settling sun. It wasn't warm anymore more like pleasantly cold.

Turning her head, she let out a loud screech as she was met with the same blackbird from yesterday sitting above her on a branch.

Obviously, the poor bird was asleep too as she almost jumped down by the sudden sharp noise in fright.

The robin didn't give the bird a chance to charge at her as she already flew away not understanding why the bigger bird didn't attack her.

However, the blackbird trying to calm her fast heartbeat looked after the small orangish bird with sadness.

She didn't know why the robin was so afraid of her, she never hurt her... She was just trying to make a new friend. She's been alone for a very long time.

Not wanting to stay, she took off into the air flying towards a tree she lived on for one year now.

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A Robin's life (fxf) (COMPLETED) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora