03: An O'de Untold ~♪

Start from the beginning

"You're taking me to that man, right? What's his name?" You confirmed, willingly obeying her orders.

She scratched her head with one of the accessories adorning her fingers. "I believe his name his  Anthor, and if you want the name of that floating thing, then I wouldn't know."

"Hmm." You hummed, make it top priority to remember his name. "Anthor... Where is he?"

"Not here yet." She plopped herself on one of the stone benches resting outside the walls that surrounded the higher end of Mondstadt. It was a quiet and secluded area- a perfect hiding spot for any fleeing criminals. "We are meeting him here but he's not here yet. I am going to talk to you first."

"No, I am going to talk to you first." You corrected, crossing your arms. You refused to sit, for you had been resting in the hospital wing all day, so you felt it would be a waste of time to relax. "Tell me how you know about my little lie... and how he does too- the Honorary Knight, I mean."

She slouched back against the wall and crossed one leg over the other. She sighed, it seemed like she didn't want to be there. "That lady from the Guild sent me here. Apparently, some officials have already done some investigating around your incident... and the Honorary Knight doesn't know about your lie, it's just a coincidence that he's helping out."

You pondered for a moment and replied.

"... Incident?"

For the first time since you met her, she made eye contact with you. "They're trying to figure out how you ended up near the bottom of Starsnatch cliff."

You averted your eyes, sweat rolling down your cheek.

"That lady knows some shady people, which is why I'm here. She said there is something suspicious going on with you, so she's recruiting the ones who are good at keeping secrets."

"Suspicious? How so?" You clenched your teeth, but still fixed in a calm expression.

"Isn't it obvious? There should be absolutely no way you are alive right now- much less standing and talking as if everything is normal." She stood up, nearing you and placing her sharp fingers on your shoulders. Her tall figure blocked out any sunlight that had met you before, so now, you were entirely covered by her shadow.

"Gosh... I don't understand. Why is it such a surprise?" You threw your hand to your head in exasperation. "If some bandit just randomly decided to attack me, then wouldn't anyone survive?! Why are you acting like I'm so specia-"

"They think you were pushed." Rosaria coldly interrupted, so she wouldn't have to hear anymore of your excuses. "Mind you it's a long fall from the top of that cliff."

"Ergh... Maybe I should've faked memory loss."  You thought to yourself, for it seemed that would've been very useful in this situation.

"P- Pushed?!" You exclaimed, clasping your hands over your face in 'surprise.' "Someone pushed me- from the top of Starsnatch cliff?!"

"Oh, quit it with the act." Rosaria rolled her eyes and scoffed. "I was in the medical unit long enough to hear that your memories are safe and sound... You just didn't notice me because of those noisy children."

You froze.

"And even taking out the fact that you fell, there are other things about you that are quite interesting..." She just barely smirked. Now, it looked like she was having at least a little fun."You said you're from Mondstadt, yes? Then how come no one has seen you, or even heard of you? Also the fact that-"

"So, you're here to interrogate me?" You cut her off, trying your absolute hardest to keep a collected manner and not to use your last resort.

"No, thank goodness. You seem hard to handle." Disappointed that you didn't allow her to finish her sentence, she collapsed herself back onto the stone bench. "That'll be someone else's job- and as a fair warning, this person won't see through your little antics."

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