Her Final Decision

Start from the beginning

"Yeah," the second knight chuckles, "it's like they can't make up their minds."

As the knights walk further down the road whilst continuing their conversation, Regina sneaks out from behind her hiding spot and moves over to the tree that displays the order that has supposedly been issued by her father.


Information on The Queen's Whereabouts


As soon as she reads the words on the poster, a wave of guilt washes over her at the realisation that her father has sent her guards to look for her. Her beloved father, the only person in the entire realm that continued to stand by her side no matter what. Had she really been so selfish as to leave him alone for so long without a word as to where she was going or what she was doing?

Feeling the familiar burn behind her eyelids, the brunette quickly turns to head back in the direction of the camp, her decision to return to her castle now solidifying.

As she continues to gather various berries and pieces of wood for a fire, the disguised queen considers how she should break the news to Robin. She has no doubt that he'll be confused, after all she has already told him that she isn't going to be leaving him or the Merry Men. But as unfortunate as it is, she will have to – though she swears to herself that she will return as quickly as she possibly can.

However, telling the thief that she has to leave isn't the thought that is currently making Regina's stomach flip – it's the realisation that she has to tell him the complete and utter truth. It's not like I haven't tried already, the brown-eyed woman thinks bitterly, the outlaw simply doesn't know how to listen.

After briefly closing her eyes to simmer her growing frustration at the new situation she has now found herself in, Regina takes a moment to scan what she has already managed to collect. Determining that she has gathered enough berries and firewood, the brunette continues to head in the direction of camp.

Upon re-entering the makeshift camp, the brunette makes a beeline for the pile of ashen wood as she shrugs off the satchel. She then clears the wood from last night's fire before replacing the used fuel with the sticks she has just gathered. After placing some kindling amongst the new pile, Regina grabs the nearby dagger before using the weapon to strike some flint. As soon as she spots a small plume of smoke, the brown-eyed woman gently blows onto it and before long the kindling catches flame. She then quickly moves the kindling into a better position so that the surrounding wood catches on.

As soon as it does, Regina stands and moves over to where there is some bread and meat leftover from the previous night. She also gathers some plates and other utensils before heading back over to the newly lit fire and proceeding to prepare some breakfast for herself and Robin.

Whilst doing so, Regina ponders all the ways in which she could express the truth to the thick-headed thief. Clearly she couldn't beat around the bush and break it to him gently seeing as each time she tried, he would misinterpret her meaning and cut her off with some sentiment that was really very sweet. I suppose I could try blurting it out instead the brown-eyed woman muses before quickly deciding that idea could quickly turn into a giant disaster.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, Regina begins to plate up the leftover bread, re-heated meat and freshly picked berries as she continues her brainstorming session. Her ideas currently ranging from getting Robin drunk to winning a challenge where her prize is getting him to promise that he won't become angry with her confession. As a last resort, the brunette even considers summoning the Dark One himself just so that he could reverse the spell but determines that doing so would just be stupid. Becoming incredibly irritated at her lack of rational ideas, the brown-eyed woman smacks her hand against her forehead as she stands abruptly.

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