The New World: Part 1 -Equi

Start from the beginning

Milo made his way to a small house that boarded a community park. Graham and he had claimed this cabin as their home and he walked up opening the door. Milo slid off his shoes and walked into the living room where Graham and Deacon had some expansion plans spread across a coffee table. Rita looked them over with a furrowed brow.

"This doesn't seem as safe to me is all I'm saying, we can't let our guard down." Rita argued with the two men.

"I just think we get so much use from the park and the swimming facility. Our expansion should focus more on public utility verse military protection." Deacon debated. "These plans offer escape routes and have a bit more space dedicated-"

"But Deacon, we don't know what's out there?" Rita pushed back.

"Well why don't we explore it?" Deacon growled.

"We are, but honestly, nature is getting more dense not less – mother earth is doing her job to reclaim the world." Rita explained, she had led multiple expeditions and charted some miles around their spot. Her latest goal was to set up watchtower outposts but that proved more dangerous and she was only able to set up two of the fifty she wanted to build.

"Rita is right, we don't know and the reports we get from out there aren't great. Our little community may not be prepared for what is out there." Graham had been silent observing the conversation. Milo loved looking at his partner speak and think. The year had worn on the man well, there was a little grayer in his hair but his judgment seemed to relax as they eased into a relationship together.

"Well when Mr. Godfrey visited he shared his learnings of the East and" Deacon started but was cut off.

"He ALSO said everything is shifting every day." Graham corrected and stood up noticing Milo. Their eyes met and although it had only been a few hours since they saw each other but each time felt like the point when they realized they each loved each other. "We've probably gotten too comfortable." Graham said to the group.

"All of this will be here for tomorrow." Milo entered the room "Equi is tonight." Happy Equi!" He greeted.

"Shoot, right, it is. Time to celebrate!" Rita smiled. "I got to get my orange."

"Here take this." Milo walked over to the table where he spotted his orange bandana that he forgotten that morning. He has Silas's now. Milo reached down and handed it to Rita. "Happy Equi Rita!"

"Happy Equi, okay see you boys later – either of you participating in the games?" Rita smirked knowing she was a major contender.

They had planned a series of four games. Some were more series: a race and wrestling. While others were a bit more fun, Grab the tail: where everyone tucked an orange bandana into the back of their pants, it looked a bit like a fox tale, and others had to try and pull it out. The final game was a bit more intimate, titled Fox Hunt, where a group of "Foxes" got hunted and once tagged had eat a sweet bun together and a small kiss. It was all finalized with a dance.

Rita and Deacon cleared out of the living room and Milo embraced Graham. Graham pulled off the fox hood and kissed Milo's head. "Hey Fox, let's get ready."

The two went upstairs and shared a shower musing about the day. As Graham lathered up Milo's back, "What do you think? About the expansion?"

"You can feel the energy of today, this celebration is because of everything we fought against – because of the struggle we can celebrate. I think you're right, we are getting softer and this can change in an instant." Milo mused feeling the rough hands of his partner squeeze his shoulders.

"You're right." Graham turned Milo around as the warm water came down on both of them. Graham's body still dwarfed the boy's and he squeezed Milo's shoulders a bit harder. Milo turned around looking at the droplets of water roll down the man's chest dusted in hair. The two stared at each other their eyes connecting. Leaning in they kissed.

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