Episode 7: Batal vs Lukas!

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Episode 7:

It was already morning. The crowd was growing incredibly restless. Their cheers rang out through the entire stadium. Everything had come to this: The ultimate battle between Batal and Lukas. If the latter wins, Batal's blading career was all but finished. If he was to stop Lukas Grant's reign of terror, he had to go all out in overdrive and take the Ladon blader down! A low humming noise was heard as the scene shifted into Albert's workshop. While the bey trainer was unfortunately unable to make it, since Buck didn't do well if left alone in the house, he still cheered on Batal from afar. Albert grinned with anticipation, his eyes sparkling with hope and a sense of achievement for Batal. He had grown so much over the span of a few weeks, and Albert knew that the Bellerophon blader wasn't going to squander it. The door suddenly swung open behind him, causing Albert to gasp in alarm. An unexpected visitor? He hadn't planned on anyone coming at this hour...

"Mr. Hikari." The signature bored voice of Free de La Hoya rang out from the Golden Boy's lips. Albert gasped once more at the Fafnir Blader's sudden appearance. 

"Free? What brings you here at this hour?" Albert asked, confused as to why he had come right before the match was about to begin. It was horrendous timing, but being the kind soul that Albert was, Albert wasn't going to tell Free to leave. His eyes widened in surprise as he held out his signature Sparking Bey: Mirage Fafnir, out to the beytrainer. The counter clockwise stamina type shimmered slightly from the artificial light of the room. 

"The blading world is changing, and in our current state neither Fafnir or I will be able to keep up..." Free stated, his tone still showing boredom, yet a small spark of determination ignited within Free's soul. Albert looked at the Fafnir blader, knowing exactly why Free was here, though why choose him over the more obvious option.

"You seek to evolve your Mirage Fafnir into Densetsu, but why come to me? Raul is perfectly capable of-"

"Yes, Raul is. But if I want to unlock the secrets of Densetsu, I want to forge this new Fafnir with the one who made the system." Albert's mouth went agape with shock upon hearing this. A legendary blader asking him to evolve his bey into Densetsu? He couldn't believe his ears. "So... will you help me?" Free asked with his monotonous voice, tilting his head to the left slightly as Albert recollected himself. Albert looked to the screen, a small frown coming across the bey trainer's face. The frown became a small smile as Albert turned back, giving a quick nod. He could cheer on Batal while doing this, and Free was far from a novice at beymaking. He could fit in enough time.

"Very well. Shall we begin?" He asked. Free smirked slightly in response as the computer screen flashed in the background. The battle had begun.

(WBBA Minor Stadium, outside of the Neo Bey Arena)

"GOOOOOD EVENING BOYS AND GIRLS! I'M YOUR HOST, HANAMI, BACK AT YA WITH ANOTHER EPIC BEYBATTLE!!!" The announcer exclaimed, the roar of the crowd erupting from the stands. Rin, Iki, Gigi, Valt, and Rantaro all sat in the stands. Both Valt and Rantaro grinned with excitement. Their training had gone pretty well the previous night, and both were excited to see how Batal would use the training that they had given the Bellerophon blader. Rin's fists were clenched in anticipation, a low anxious growl coming from him. Lukas wasn't a blader to be taken lightly. He knew the Ladon blader was going to cheat in one way or another... Batal had to be extremely careful. Both Iki and Gigi looked to their newfound friend. Gigi placed her hand on the Roc blader's shoulder, grinning confidently as a way to reassure him.

"Relax ya numbskull. Batal's got this in the bag! He'll mop the floor with this Lukas guy!" Rin flashed a small grin, slightly reassured by this, though his worried state still remained. Batal had put so much on the line to protect Rin's honor and Roc...

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