Chapter 22

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Ryder and Chase was hugging a little bit more, they were so happy to see each other again. Then few seconds later they stop hugging and the rest of the pups came by them.

Ryder: Pups your alright

Rocky: Duh of course this is our home

Skye: and We're not leaving it

Everest: We will fight for our home no matter what

Marshall: Yeah we'll fight, fight together

Ryder couldn't help but smile brightly at the pups. Then Katie notice something and gasp loud everyone could hear.

Katie: Zuma your arm

Ryder then noticed it too and was very shock and little sick. He then got up and check on Zuma.

Ryder: Oh my god your arm

Zuma: It's fine Wyder I can still fight

Chase: Year Ryder sir we use our powers together to heal him and stop it from bleeding

Katie: Can't bring his arm back

Skye: No we don't know how

Marshall: The same for Rubble

Ryder: What you mean Rub-

Ryder gotten a good look at Rubble eyes and noticed it was so gray. He then noticed Rubble wasn't directly looking at him. Ryder then realized that he was blind.

Ryder: Rubble..... can you see me?

Rubble: I can see where your standing but I can't see what you look like

Katie: What how do that work?

Skye: Rubble can cense anywhere and anyone with his feet and paws then picture it in his mind

Everest: But he can't see what things look like completely

Katie: So he can tell where he is going but can't see what anything looks like anymore

Rocky: Yup that's about it

Ryder: Oh my gosh Rubble did Rage did this to you

Rubble: Yes and he also rip off Zuma arm

Zuma: Yeah but alright or should I say I'm left

Pups: Zuma

Then the pups share a laugh together then Ryder and Katie join in. They had a good moment but then stop. By the sound of someone walking behind them. They turn to see who it is.

Rage: So you survived and got out

Chase: Ryder take Katie inside

Ryder: Won't we be trap

Skye: No Rubble made a tunnel for you guys to escape

Everest: Everyone inside has already enter the tunnel and escape

Marshall: In fact the whole town has escaped though the tunnels

Rage: What

Zuma: Rhile you gather all your minions we took the time to help everyone escape

Rubble: I made tunnels underground to a safe place

Chase: So basically you can't hurt anyone in this town anymore

Rage: That's where your wrong pup I've still have her

Rage use his tentacles and grab Katie around her waist. Then pull her towards him, Ryder got mad and bring out his sword.

Ryder: Let her go now

Rage: Oh I will but first ATTACK

Then all of Rage minions charges towards the pups and Ryder. Rage then floated in the air with Katie getting a nice view of them.

Ryder: Give her back

Ryder and the pups started fight against the minions trying to get closer to Rage. So far they were doing great until Rage started laughing.

Rage: You think your still winning huh I Have My Full Power

Rage lifted his hand and more minions started showing up from the ground. Some were even bigger then the rest. Then Rage look at Katie then back at Ryder.

Rage: You want your girl Ryder go catch her

Rage then throw Katie in the air over the ocean this trigger Ryder. Right away he look at Skye while being surrounded.

Ryder: Skye launch me to Katie

Skye: But Ryder

Ryder: Just Do It

Skye then created a power gust of wind and blow Ryder to Katie. Ryder then catch Katie's hand.

Katie: What are you doing?

Ryder: Hang on tight AUTO

Then suddenly rumbling could be hearing from the ground by the pups. The pups and minions stop fighting wondering what it is.

Rubble: Something coming up

Next behind them something burst out of the ground and flew to Ryder and Katie. They were nearing the water until Ryder catch whatever that thing is and bring Katie with him. Then they started flying in the air riding it. It was then clear that thing was Ryder new vehicle

Chase: Woah Ryder

Zuma: Woah dude cool Wide

Ryder: Thanks I'll take Katie to safely the rest is up to you pups

Marshall: Don't worry we will make it

Ryder: Please Do

Katie: Good Luck Pups

Then they started to fly off, the pups look at Rage who was preparing to through something at them.

Rage: No you don't

Then Chase shot another lightning at Rage causing him to cancel his throw. Rage then look at the pups surrounded by his minions.

Rage: You will regret this

Chase: We will defeat you Rage

Rage: Oh really your just pups

Zuma: Oh for a man you sure act like a coward letting your minions do all your work

Rage: Pff I don't help I Am Powerful

Rubble: Then let's make this a fair fight then

Rubble then hop in the air and punch the ground. Then the ground started sprouting up spikes killing every minions left. The pups was amaze by it but focus on the task.

Rage: We'll then let's settle this at the beach huh it has more space

Chase: Sure

Then Rage and the pups travel towards the beach. The beach wasn't look to good it was all dead. The sand has some metal parts from cars in it. The pups and Rage facing each other from different side of the beach.

Rage: I would love this to last long but I'm getting piss off from you mutts

Rage then summon his huge tentacles back and begin launching it at the pups. The pups look at each other and nodded. Then they started attacking the tentacles together. Everest use her powers to stop a tentacle from moving then Marshall punch it with his paws on fire making it disappear. Next Chase shot lightning at a some tentacles making them disappear. Then a tentacle came behind him and almost hit him. But Skye make Chase flew up high dodging the tentacle. Next Chase shoot a big lightning at it making the tentacle disappear.

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