Chapter 21

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Ryder: Rage is coming and he is not alone

Alex: Oh My God We Are Going To Die

Porter: We are not Alex I will protect you no matter what

Mayor Goodway: What's the plan Ryder ?

Ryder: You guys stay here

I got up and headed to the door but before I could leave I was stop by Katie. She grab my arm and look at me in the eye.

Katie: Where are you going?

Ryder: I'll by you guys some time to escape

Katie: Don't tell me your planning on sacrificing yourself

Ryder: Look it's the only way I can distract Rage and his minions

Katie: But what about you

Ryder: I'll kill many minions before I die and maybe even try to kill Rage

Hope: Ryder that's suicide

Ryder: I don't see any other way

I push Katie's grip off my arms and continue walking but then stop and turn to everyone.

Ryder: Once I get them far enough escape the back it should lead you to a boat at a dock

Alex: What are we gonna do without you

Ryder: I'm pretty sure you guys are smart enough plus you seen what the Paw Patrol do

Porter: I know I can't change your mind Ryder but please reconsider your important to us

Ryder: Well so was my pups

I then left and started heading up the elevator I felt a huge amount of sadness hit me. I hold back my tears best I could. But I got to remember the pups sacrifice their life for this it's time I do the same. As I reach to the ground level I turn invisible and headed outside. Once I was completely outside Rage and his army of minions showed up.

As the minions moved forward to the lookout they block the pathway as well. Then they stop next Rage floated over them. He then begin to shout that everyone could hear

Rage: You humans are really something you know that but it not gonna save anyone's life you better come out now

There was complete silence and Rage was getting annoyed of it. He waited for an answer or seeing them come out but nothing.

Rage: Well then ATTA-


Rage turn his head to the right and see one of his minions head chop off. As the body disappear more minions head begin to chop off.

Rage: What's going on

The minions try to fight their way out but failed the more they fight the more their heads get chop off or body gets slice in half. Rage was getting furious and went to check it himself. He floated to the area and landed on the ground. Before he could do anything he heard running towards him. He was very confused but then that went away when he felt something.


He felt something going through his gut then it showed a sword. There was a chuckle coming from the sword. Ryder then turn off his invisible gear.

Ryder: Don't underestimate humans you pup murder.

Ryder was fully of joy he stab Rage he believed that this would wound him. But he look at Rage and see him smiling. Before Ryder could say or do anything, Rage grab his arm the was holding the sword pull it out and lifted him.

Rage: I'm a spirit that can't be killed by you humans

Rage then throw Ryder at the door of the lookout breaking the glass. Ryder begin to cough out some blood. Ryder then tried his best to get out and walk out the door limping. He tried activate his invisible gear but it didn't work guess it broke during the crash.

Ryder: Dam It

Rage: Something wrong with your toy boy

Ryder didn't let this stop he pulls out his sword at and aim it at Rage.

Ryder: No matter what I will kill you until I die

Ryder then rush forward and about to slash Rage but then was stop by Rage grip. Ryder tried his best to slash him but couldn't.

Rage: You humans are so hopeful this is why you die easily

Rage then grab Ryder's neck and started chocking him. Ryder struggled to get free but failed slowly he was running out of breath. Everywhere around him begin to fade and in his mind all he could think about is "I'm going to die".

Then out of nowhere Rage was hit in the face by something and stumble back. He also drop Ryder and he begins to breath deeply. Ryder taking deep breaths look to his side to see Katie holding a crowbar.

Ryder: W-What ........ are ..... you doing ?

Katie: I'm not letting you die I loved you and I'm gonna be alone again

Ryder couldn't help but blush and be happy he then got back up. He then hug Katie tightly and she hug back. It was a great moment for them but then Rage got back up with anger.

Rage: You bitch your going to pay for that

Ryder and Katie broke the hug and Katie notice her crowbar broke. She toss it aside but then Ryder give her his ax. Then the two gotten in a stand position preparing to fight.

Ryder: Together

Katie: Till The Very End

Rage: Pathetic

Then the two charge at Rage at a great speed and chop off his arms. Rage takes some steps back.

Rage: You annoying bastards

Rage arms then grow back fast then he grab Ryder and Katie then held them up. He smiled at them preparing to kill them with his tentacles.

But then a dash of lighting came flying through the door of the lookout. The lighting hit Rage which made him drop Katie and Ryder. Then Rage was sent flying to the bridge, he was then hit by one of the supporters for the bridge. Ryder and Katie look behind to see who was that. It was Chase his body was glowing and he had a very serious face. He then suddenly stop glowing and appear to look normal again.

Ryder: C-Chase

Ryder couldn't help but cried then he see the rest of the pups come from behind Chase.This cause Ryder to drop to his knees of disbelief.
Katie then also drop to her knees as well and was surprise. Chase didn't waste time and run to his owner giving him the biggest hug he could do, Ryder did the same.

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