When you die

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•you died in a car accident
•carl will literally cry all day
•he'll take his anger out on your friends for causing this
•he'll visit Kev and V everyday to check on them
•"I should've been there..."

•you died in your sleep
•lip tries to wake you up
•he'll cry on your lifeless chest
•he checks on Jimmy and he also quit college and didn't move on
•"Y/n, please wake up! Wake up, baby!"

•you died in a shooting
•he tries to find the person who shot you
•he'll comfort V and Kev
•he'll be devastated and look at the pictures of you and him
•"I wish I protected her"

•you died from drug overdose
•he'll cry everyday
•he comes to your house and stay in your bedroom
•he'll check on Sheila and Jody
•"She was my forever"

•you died from poisoning
•she's been devastated and crying all day
•she checks on Mel everyday
•she'll look at the pictures of you and her everyday
•"Imma find out who poison Y/n"

•you died from alcohol
•she's been sad and angry
•she check on Mickey and Mandy
•she quit her job
•"I'm sorry, Y/n, I wish you were here"

•you died from drowning
•he's been devastated and looking at the pictures of you and him
•he hasn't moved on
•he closed the alibi for good
•"I wish I was there to help you"

•you died from a stroke
•she looks at the pictures of you and her
•she's been having nightmares about it because she was there
•she's been having breakdowns
•"I already miss you"

(I start crying when I wrote this🥺)

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