Chapter 11

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Korn had just confirmed his order on the food delivery app when he got a call from none other than Yihwa.

"Hey Yihwa." Korn answered.

"Koornn." Yihwa dragged his name as she spoke in a whiny tone. Korn chuckled, already used to this.

"To what do I owe this pleasure of being called by such a mighty being?" Korn teased.

He heard Yihwa sigh dramatically on the line. "It's a Saturday and I'm offering you and your boyfriend a once in a lifetime opportunity to bask in my worldly presence."

"Hhmm I think we have had enough of your presence this week." Korn smirked. Ignoring the exaggerated gasp on the other end. "We would like to pass on this opportunity." Korn continued holding back a chuckle.

"The nerve of you." Yihwa fumed.

Korn finally laughed. "Sorry Yihwa." His gaze flitted to the bedroom where he could still hear the water in the bathroom running. "I think it's best Knock and I stay home today. Knock... isn't feeling so well."

Korn contemplated telling Yihwa what happened last night. He wasn't sure if Knock wanted Yihwa or anyone to know but Yihwa noted the difference in his tone.

"What's wrong with my handsome man?" Yihwa questioned teasingly. "Korn. What did you do to him last night?"


"Were you rough with him?" Yihwa continued. "Korn, don't make me come over there and smack you."

"Yihwa! I didn't do anything to him." Korn defended himself. "It's just last night he- he..."

"Korn. What happened?" Yihwa asked seriously, dropping all her teasing. She sensed the tone of her best friend and knew that something was wrong.

Korn paused for a few seconds as his eyes fell shut and he clenched his jaw. Yihwa stayed silent on her end as she waited.

Finally Korn decided to share. It was Yihwa after all. As loudmouth as she was, he knew she wouldn't blab about it if Korn told her not to. "Last night, something happened at the club Knock was at."

"What happened? Is he okay?" Yihwa replied anxiously.

"Yea he's okay now. I came to get him at the club and took him to the hospital."

Yihwa gasped. "The hospital? Korn, what happened?"

"Some guy tried to take advantage of Knock." Korn said as he gritted his teeth. "Slipped something in his drink. But I found Knock before..." Korn stopped, his breath hitching. He still couldn't wrap his head around what the man was going to do to his lover.

"Oh my god. Who is that asshole?" Yihwa screeched.

"I just know his name is Simon." Korn growled. "I pummelled him and this bouncer at the club had called the police and they arrested him."

"Simon." Yihwa repeated and Korn could hear her scheming even through the phone. "Oh i'll find him."

"I don't think that's necessary, Yihwa. The guy's arrested." Korn said.

"Well you'll never know! He might get out soon." Yihwa replied. "Now give me details! What does he look like?"

Korn was aware of the fantastic detective work Yihwa does. Especially with Fai. Those two are not to be messed with. Honestly, Korn does want to keep tabs on the asshole. If he ever ran into him again, he would take his time beating the shit out of him.

"Hhmm he's tall, fair skinned, dark hair... I think he has pierced ears, he's definitely a lil older too." Korn rattled off whatever he could remember about the guy.

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