Chapter 8

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"Simon?" Korn repeated. "The man at the club?"

Knock nodded. "He introduced himself and asked for my name." Knock began. "But I pushed him away." As Knock's mind was wandering back to the events that happened, he leaned his head back on Korn's chest and Korn understandingly ran his arm along Knock's back soothingly.

"It's okay Knock. If you want to talk about it, you can. You're safe here, my love." Korn assured and Knock's heart was filled with love at his words.

Knock was silent for a few minutes, sorting out his thoughts and Korn patiently waited, his hands not stopping his soothing motions. Korn wanted to know the events that led to what happened. He needed to get more info from Knock on that man. Sure, Korn had seen the man when he was raining punches on the asshole but he blacked out and his anger was taking control then.

"I-I was on the dance floor by myself. My friends wanted to continue drinking." Knock stammered. "Everything was fine. Just like any other time. Then that man came up behind me to dance with me. I pushed him away but he came back and tried to get me to have a drink with him. I said I'm not interested but he pulled me back and kept insisting. I told him to leave me alone and left the dance floor to be with my friends."

Korn listened, silently fuming. His Knock had said no multiple times and that man... Simon, didn't take the message.

"We were hanging out at our table when the waiter came with drinks. He had said someone ordered drinks for us." Knock sighed deeply. "K-Korn... I..." Knock struggled to finish his words.

"What is it, Knock?" Korn asked, running his hands through Knock's hair gently.

Knock turned his gaze up to his lover. "I... the waiter did say that someone specifically gave me a drink." Knock explained, his voice small. "A-and i took it. I didn't think anything of it." Knock bit his lip feeling small under Korn's gaze.

"That's how he spiked my drink."

As much as Korn wanted to give the 'Never accept drinks from strangers' talk, he knew this wasn't the right time. Knock had just been out having a good night out with friends and meaning no harm, whereas this Simon, is out looking for a prey. It was unfortunate that tonight, Knock had caught his eyes.

"How did you get in the room then? You were with your friends before right?" Korn asked.

"After a while I felt something was off with me. I thought I drank too much and went to the bathroom to wash my face or puke or something." Knock answered. "And then he was behind me. I tried to get away but I was losing consciousness. Next thing I know I was in that room." Knock's voice became small as he finished speaking, turning his head to bury his face into Korn's chest.

Korn wrapped his arms tighter around Knock as he laid a kiss on his hair. "You're safe now, Knock." Korn had repeated that probably a thousand times over for now. But he felt the need to to assure Knock, whose mind was probably filled with the traumatising memory that happened just a few hours ago. It was also to remind himself that Knock was safe. Knock was safe in his arms and he will do whatever it takes to keep it that way.

"Go to sleep, love." Korn beckoned gently. "Let's deal with this later."

Knock hummed in response as he rubbed his face on Korn's chest letting Korn's scent drift him to sleep. Korn stayed awake while Knock fell asleep. A hand gently running through Knock's thick, brunette hair and he listened to Knock's steady breathing as his lover finally drifted off.

Korn let his head fall back against the headboard. What will he do about this? No way is he letting that asshole get away with this. From what Knock had told him, this guy must have done this before. This Simon had access to god knows what room there was in the club. Hell, Korn had been to the club before, never had he given much thought of the rooms available there.


Korn recalled the name of the bouncer he had spoken to while carrying Knock out. He will call the club later and ask for him. Or he could also call the hospital Bright worked at and ask if someone by the name of Simon was admitted. Korn gritted his teeth. He hoped he had smashed the guy's face enough that he needed the hospital.

Korn glanced down and his heart filled with love at the now peaceful features of his lover. He told himself to get a few more hours of sleep and deal with things when he wakes up later. For now, he wanted to fall asleep to the feeling of Knock pressed against his body, trusting Korn to keep him safe. And that's exactly what Korn would do. With a soft kiss on Knock's head, Korn shut his eyes and let sleep overcome him. 

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