Chapter 1

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Korn sat back on his bed, taking the break to stretch himself. He had spent the last few hours working on his school project. Meanwhile, Knock who was done with his part of the project, was rummaging through his drawer for a top to wear. Korn eyed his boyfriend's bare back. The toned muscle rippling with his movements. The soft honey skin that Korn had kissed plenty of times the last few months but never got tired of was just calling out to him. Those grey jeans Knock had on highlighted his long legs perfectly.

 Those grey jeans Knock had on highlighted his long legs perfectly

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 was picturing Knock wearing this outfit ^

Korn frowned. Since Knock had told him of his plans to go out tonight, he had been feeling uneasy. He can't explain it. He can't describe it. But something just feels off tonight. He found himself gazing at his lover as Knock grumbled over his clothes option. Korn heaved a deep sigh. Maybe it's just the first time Knock will be going out with his clubbing buddies. Maybe Korn would miss his company tonight. Maybe... Oh he's probably just overreacting and Korn shook his head trying to push away the thoughts.

"Hey Korn." Korn snapped out of his thoughts when Knock called out to him. " Which do you think would look better?" he turned to Korn as he held up his two options.

Knock held up a maroon and a black long sleeve top. Korn smiled dreamily at his boyfriend. "You look good in anything babe... but especially with nothing on." Korn flirted mischievously.

Knock turned red and Korn revelled at the sight. He loved moments like this where he could make the other man blush. "Eh Korn!" Knock stammered.

Korn cheekily patted the spot on the bed next to him. "Come over here."

Knock shook his head. "No!"

Korn pouted. "Why?"

"Because I know you won't let me leave the moment you get your hands on me."

Korn smirked. He gave a sultry gaze at his lover as he bit his lip. Knock was turning red from the tips of his ears down to his chest.

"N-no i'm going out tonight. I promised my friends." Knock answered. "It's been a while."

"I know i know." Korn sat back stopping his flirting. "We've been busy lately."

Knock looked at both his options again. "You know what... I'll wear the black." He chucked the other one back in the drawer. Korn wanted to remind Knock to fold it neatly but he held his tongue. Korn knows he will be the one doing it later anyway. Where Korn needs tidiness and order in his life, Knock was completely comfortable in his mess.

Knock put on the black top he had chosen and turned to the mirror to do his hair. Korn continued gazing at Knock lovingly. Knock certainly did look good. Hell he looks good in a tank top and shorts... with slippers. When he makes the effort to dress up, Knock is drop dead beautiful.

Korn shifted off the bed, moving over to where Knock is still fussing with his hair. He wrapped his arms around the slender waist and buried his face in Knock's neck.

He smelt the cologne Knock was wearing... well technically it was Korn's but Knock has since claimed it as his own. Korn didn't mind. He never mentioned anything, but having Knock smell like him was perfect. The instinct was pretty animalistic. Having his mate covered in his scent so everyone knows who he belongs to. Yea Knock is never going to know about that.

But once again, the heavy feeling in his heart surfaced. He wrapped his arms a little tighter around Knock. He shut his eyes and tried to understand himself. Should he have Knock stay?


He silently sighed. Knock hadn't met his friends in months. They have both been working hard on their school projects and Knock deserves to have a break. As much as he wanted Knock to stay, not just because of the heavy feeling in his heart, but Korn just felt better knowing Knock is within his sight. He pushed away those thoughts as he convinced himself he was just being clingy. Knock needs his space and Korn understands that.

"Don't be home so late Knock." Korn mumbled, his face still pressed in Knock's neck. A hand ruffled his hair in response. "Er, I won't." Knock chuckled.

Korn moved his arms to turn Knock around to face him. Knock's arms, previously up to style his hair, naturally fell on Korn's broad shoulders when he faced his boyfriend. Their faces just millimeters away from each other. "I'll miss you." Korn whispered into his lips. "It's just for a while Korn." Knock said softly as his hands cupped the other man's jaw. Korn felt his heart clench and his hands that were resting on Knock's waist unconsciously fisted.

God! What is it with him tonight?

Knock tilted his head quizzically. Korn was frowning. "Korn, what's the matter?" Knock's thumbs gently rubbed his cheeks.

"N-nothing Knock." Korn's hands come up to hold Knock's own. "Call me if there is anything okay? Your friends have my number too right?" Korn said with concern.

"Yes Korn. I'll call you if there's anything." Knock pressed a kiss to his lips with a small smile on his face.

The last few months were nothing short of bliss for Knock. He finally felt like he was home. It took him a long time to come back to Korn since they separated when they were kids. He recalled the moment he met Korn's eyes at the orientation, it was like something had clicked within him. Like a missing piece of him that he didn't know was in the shape of Korn is snapped back into place. Hell they totally ignored everybody else and just jumped up to hug each other.

A lot has happened in the last few months. Finally accepting his feelings for his long time best friend, school projects were a headache as the end of the semester was near. They had tons of projects and reports to work on. But somehow having Korn by his side made it so much more bearable. Knock wondered and hoped his presence had that effect on Korn too. With everything that Korn had done for him, he wanted to be a good companion to his boyfriend. He wanted to be a place for Korn to rest, to confide in and a break from when the world gets too harsh.

Knock's phone buzzed. His friend who's driving is waiting for him downstairs. He lovingly ruffled Korn's hair and leaned in for another kiss. Korn returned the kiss, his hands still firmly placed at his waist.

"Korn." Knock softly chided when he found himself still in Korn's grip. With one last squeeze, Korn released Knock.

"I'll miss you." Korn repeated with a soft smile. Korn saw Knock off at the door and he stayed at his spot by the door till Knock turned the corner to the lift lobby. The strong feeling in his heart intensified and he shook away his thoughts and closed the door.


What's with Korn today? He's always been protective but his actions tonight are pretty odd. Knock didn't want to admit it, but he loved how protective Korn is. He loved how Korn takes care of him. Fine... he's a diva alright. Korn had unleashed his inner diva.

But they had pretty much spent the last few months with each other and the gang. As much as Knock wanted to stay and keep his boyfriend company, he didn't want to be that person who forgets friends after getting into a relationship.

Besides, it's just one night out for a few hours. 

What's the worst that could happen?

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