She continued to babble, her mind racing with desperate thoughts as she tried to stall for time. But to her surprise, she heard her captor laughing. He looked highly amused by her rambling, and honestly, she was low-key offended but didn't say anything.

He finally let her go untouched, and she stumbled backwards, still trembling with fear. She couldn't believe that she had managed to talk her way out of being bitten. But as she looked up at her captor, she saw that he was smiling at her.

"It's not often that I come across such an entertaining creature," he said, his voice smooth as velvet. "It would be such a waste to let you die so soon."

She stared at him in confusion, unsure of what to make of his words. Was he toying with her? Was he going to bite her after all?

But then he spoke again, and his words filled her with a strange sense of comfort.

"Rest assured, my dear," he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I have no intention of harming you. You are far too interesting for that."

His voice had sent a shiver down her spine. Not that she was going to ever tell him that. And with that, the mysterious vampire vanished into the darkness in a blink of an eye leaving her alone and shakenher and confused about what just happened, but strangely grateful for her captor's mercy. For even though she had been in the clutches of a vampire, she had come out unscathed, and with a newfound appreciation for the power of words.

When she was finally back from her vacation, she decided that enough is enough she just had to find out the truth and what the hell was going on in Mystic Falls.

The blonde had returned to Mystic Falls with a newfound sense of curiosity and a burning desire to uncover the truth. She was tired of living in ignorance, of going about her life as if nothing was amiss. She wanted to know what was really going on in her town, and she was willing to do whatever it took to find out.

So she started to snoop around in her mom's room, hoping to find some clue that would shed light on the mysterious happenings in Mystic Falls. And that's when she stumbled upon a journal that looked quite old, its pages yellowed with age and its spine cracked with use.

As she flipped through the pages, her heart racing with excitement and fear, she realized that the journal belonged to her mother, and that it contained all sorts of information about the supernatural world. There were detailed accounts of encounters with vampires. 

Caroline's hands trembled as she read on, her eyes widening with each passing page. She had no idea that the was home to such powerful beings, and she felt a strange mixture of fascination and terror as she absorbed the information.

But it wasn't just the journal that piqued her curiosity. As she rummaged through her mother's belongings, she also found a collection of hunting gadgets - stakes, crosses, and silver bullets - that were clearly meant for use against the supernatural. And then there was a small bag of some sort of power, which she assumed was vervain, the substance that her mother had been talking about on the phone.

With a sudden jolt of realization, Caroline understood the significance of these findings. Humans were not at the top of the food chain, as she had always assumed. They were mere prey, vulnerable to the whims of creatures who were far more powerful and dangerous than they could ever imagine.

And with that understanding came a newfound sense of purpose. Caroline knew that she couldn't just sit back and do nothing. She had to use the knowledge and tools at her disposal to protect herself and those she loved from the dark forces that lurked in the shadows of Mystic Falls. For she had seen the truth, and she knew that there was no going back.

Now that Caroline finds herself in a sticky situation with a vampire laying next to her, who most likely might kill her once he awakens, all she can think of is getting the hell out of there. She decides to poke his left shoulder to check if he's asleep (later realising that she shouldn't have done that). 

She knew that she was in a dangerous situation, and that any wrong move could cost her her life. But she couldn't stay there a moment longer, not with the vampire lying next to her, who could kill her like she was a mere bug.

She had to get out, and fast.

With trembling fingers, Caroline reached for the doorknob, her eyes fixed on the sleeping figure next to her. She couldn't tell if he was truly asleep or just pretending, but she didn't dare take any chances. She needed to make her move and make it quick.

Slowly, she turned the doorknob, wincing as it let out a faint creak. She held her breath, waiting for the vampire to stir, but he remained still, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm.

Turns out she was not as silent as she thought she was, cause the next thing she knows the vampire dude is standing right in front of her.

Turns out she was not as silent as she thought she was, cause the next thing she knows the vampire dude is standing right in front of her

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"Great", she murmured.


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A/n: So that's it for the first chapter. Though my OTP is Klaroline, I literally ship Caroline with anyone at this point. She just has chemistry with anyone character and I thought that Damon and Caroline would make an interesting couple to write about. I might not update soon as I have online classes going on but I will try my best. Tell me how you guys like this chapter.

Who do you think the vampire that Caroline met in London was?

BTW I had to create the gifs from this scene since I couldn't find them anywhere

Until next time 👋❤️



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