12: Honesty

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"I'm sorry." They had been there for hours, how many Draco wasn't sure, with fingers interlaced and Hope's head resting on his shoulder.

"For what?" Draco turned his head slightly as spoke.

"For putting all this on you." She sat up and turned to face him. Hope had stopped crying awhile ago but her eyes were still rimmed with red.

"I'm sorry you have had to live through all this." His hand moved without thought to brush a piece of hair behind her ear. "I would take any and all of it if it would make you happy." She leaned slightly into his hand which now held her cheek. Hope didn't have the energy or desire to run from her feelings anymore.

"You hardly know me." She spoke in a slightly teasing tone.

"Then show me," He wanted nothing more than to know everything inch of Hope as well as he knew himself. "Let me know who you are and I will do the same." She hesitated before nodding slowly.

"To start I'll help with your essay." He smiled at the offer and nodded. "Tell you all about the Crescent wolves."

"Meet me in the Slytherin Common room at ten?" She nodded with a small smile. Hope wasn't used to opening up but this would be a good start.

Hope decided to take the rest of the day to herself and go for a run in the woods as the approaching full moon was doing nothing to help her mood. Lizzie had explained to Professor McGonagall what had happened and seeing as Hope did very well in classes and never missed the Professor had excused her for the rest of the day. Hagrid had been more than happy to allow her in the forest so long as she stayed far from the school and where his Care of Magical Creature classes were held.

It was only Hope's second time in the Forbidden Forest but she felt at home there. Since it was light out still she found herself running into more of the forests inhabitants than she did at night. The centaurs had been informed by Hagrid that she would be attending the school and spending time in the forest but made it clear she posed no threat to any of them. So when she came across Bane he had merely given her a nod of acknowledgement that she meet with a bowed head before continuing into the forest. It was clear to her the moment she entered her first full moon at Hogwarts that the forest was full of magic, even more than the school itself. 

Growing up Hope hadn't exactly been welcomed by the covens of New Orleans. The glares and muttering made it hard for Hope to find peace in the areas of the city that were considered sacred to the witches, like Lafayette Cemetery, so she found herself often practicing spells and such in the bayou. In the same way nature was important to witches it was important to wolves and so she found that it was one of the only places she could find peace. In that moment peace was what she needed most.

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