9: Letters

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"Oh, by the way," Hope turned to Lizzie as they walked out of their last class of the day

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"Oh, by the way," Hope turned to Lizzie as they walked out of their last class of the day. "It's a full moon so I'm going to be out tonight." Hope spoke quietly so the other students didn't hear, but everyone was much too excited to be done with classes for the day to pay much attention to the girls.

"Are you coming to classes tomorrow?" Lizzie knew that Hope often needed a day to sleep after spending the night running in the woods.

"Maybe, I have to see how I feel." The girls were walking side by side in the busy halls. "I need to go find McGonagall but I will talk to you at some point tomorrow." Lizzie gave Hope a quick goodbye and went off in the direction of her common room. She had grown to like her common room despite the whole dungeon thing. Green was defiantly her color. Pansy, Blaise, and Daphne had been in the common room spread out and working on homework when she got there.

"Hey," Daphne looked up at the door and smiled when she saw it was Lizzie.

"Hey Liz," Blaise called over his shoulder before returning to a heated to debate with Pansy, who had just given Lizzie a quick nod.

"What's up with them?" Lizzie sat down on the floor next to Daphne and pulled out some of her own homework.

"Draco got a letter from his parents," Lizzie had been told enough about Draco's family to know that this was not a good thing. "They are debating what it says. Pansy thinks it's a letter about his grades, even thought they are great, and Blaise thinks it's about quidditch." Daphne pointed to them with her quill as she spoke.

"And what do you think?" Lizzie was curious to know her friend's opinion.

"I think he opened it read about two words and went straight to his room." Lizzie had some idea what she was implying but she was still confused. "I think it has to do with something he shouldn't be involved in."

Draco paced the length of his dorm room as he reread the letter picking apart every line.


You have been given a great honor, he has chosen you for a specific task. The news of the exchange students has peaked his interest and he is requesting that you grow close to one of the girls and bring her to him. Hope Mikaelson will be a great asset to our cause and you are to use any means necessary to gain her trust. Your godfather has been informed of this and will be partnering you together in Potions. I expect results by Christmas at the latest. Do not disappoint me.


He had noticed the girl of course, she was beautiful and clever and impossible to ignore. But what made her special enough for the Dark Lord to overlook her being a Gryffindor? Draco knew she was incredibly smart that much was clear but not that smart and Draco knew she wasn't part of a pureblood family, in fact she was a completely different type of witch. 

He hated this, he hated lying, he hated having to trick Hope when she seemed genuinely good. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he had found his eyes drawn to her this past week. She was, after all, very beautiful, but it was more than that she had an air about her of someone powerful, indestructible and it intrigued him. With a sigh he buried the letter in his desk and went downstairs in hopes of finding Lizzie, she was his best chance with Hope. To his surprise she was there sitting on the floor beside Daphne working on her homework, it seemed that Blaise and Pansy had gotten bored and gone somewhere else leaving just the three of them in the common room.

"Hey Saltzman," Lizzie's head shot up when she heard her last name. "I need some help." Daphne looked up now having heard the very unusual statement from the Malfoy heir.

"With what?" Lizzie asked with her typical biting attitude that made it clear she could think of nothing he would want from her.

"Your friend," She looked confused for a moment, "The Gryffindor." Lizzie's eyes widened in realization.

"You want to date a Gryffindor?!" Daphne's mouth hung open in a way that was almost comical.

"Yeah, she kind of hates you." Lizzie told him bluntly.

"How can she hate me? I've talked to her once." Draco sat on the couch across from the girls.

"Your whole 'pureblood supremacy' thing reminds her of the ideology of some people who caused her a lot of pain." Lizzie didn't look up from her homework as she spoke.

"Okay, well I just won't say anything about it anymore." Daphne looked at him in shock. She supported this change but she had no idea where it was coming from.

"Hope can a hold a grudge." The look on Draco's face told Lizzie he wasn't letting this go. She sighed setting aside her homework. "Look I have known Hope since we were seven and she only started to warm up to me like two years ago. She doesn't trust easy and she doesn't let people in." Draco nodded in understanding, it was clear on his face he was thinking of a plan of some sort.

"Why?" Daphne couldn't help but be curious about the girl who had inspired change like this in her friend. She had talked to Hope and considered her a friend but she didn't really know much about Hope. Lizzie was right when she said Hope didn't let people in and Daphne was not an exception.

"Hope has lost a lot," Lizzie sighed again. "Her family is complicated, actually everything about her is. But," Draco's expression lightened as Lizzie paused, "She deserves to be happy so I will tell you what I can. For starters, don't ask about her family. She will tell you when she's ready. Hope likes peanut butter, bread pudding, and beignets. And she has a weird love for jazz, says it's impossible not to like jazz when you live in New Orleans. Painting is probably her favorite thing to do, she loves drawing too, another thing she grew up with." Draco nodded taking mental notes as Lizzie spoke. "Oh and lastly, don't piss her off because Hope is crazy powerful and has a bit of a vengeful streak in her."

"I'm just confused as to what about Hope is inspiring this change?" Both blondes turned to Daphne, "Don't get me wrong I fully support it and defiantly like Hope but this is very un-Draco of you."

"I find her," Draco paused trying to figure out how to phrase it, "Intriguing. She's beautiful, clever, what's not to like?" Lizzie ruled her eyes and went back to her work.

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