5: Nighttime Talks

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"Okay so Pansy, Draco, and Blaise are all on already there since they are on the team." Daphne explained to the two girls walking with her.

"And Quidditch is a sport," Daphne nodded while Hope talked, "played on brooms."

"Yup," Daphne definitely reminded Hope of Josie with her friendly personality. The girls sat down in the stands as practice was starting.

"Merlin, no! That is not the play!" Draco shouted from where he sat on his broom.

"Draco is the seeker and team captain." Daphne told Hope.

"I've heard he's really good," Lizzie added in.

"Maybe we should play." Hope joked and punched Lizzie's shoulder.

"God, no I'm far too aggressive and you're not exactly athletically inclined." Lizzie told her friend.

"Says who? Just cause I never played doesn't mean I can't. I was quarterback for the Mystic Falls Stallions for almost half an hour after all." Hope argued back. Before Lizzie could respond Blaise flew over to the girls.

"Come to watch me, I'm quite flattered I must say." He winked at Lizzie causing her to blush.

"Get you arse back over here Zabini!" Draco yelled from the other side of the field.

"The king is calling." He joked, "Honestly I had hoped that summer would help mellow him out a bit but alas." He looked back at Draco.

"I swear to god, Blaise!" Draco's deep voice carried over the field once again.

"Guess I was wrong." With that Blaise flew off to rejoin their practice. The girls talked a bit but mostly watched the practice, well Hope watched the practice Lizzie and Daphne ranked the players butts.

"Personally, I think this has been one of our best practices!" Blaise leaned on his broom behind Draco, both boys were at the center of the huddle that had formed.

"What the hell are you talking about Zabini!" Draco looked towards his friend with a sneer. "This practice was horrible! If you don't get your act together we can kiss the Quidditch House Cup goodbye." With that he walked off towards the locker room.

Hope had spent the rest of her day with the trio who had showed her around the castle and told her stories of their years at Hogwarts. She learned which teachers were nice and which weren't, she also learned that she rather disliked Draco Malfoy. He seemed a bit harsh earlier at the practice but the stories she heard were enough to dissuade her from being his friend. Hope would, of course, tell Lizzie about it but she wasn't going to tell her whether or not she could be friends with him, after all it wasn't her place.

Truly Magical - Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now