6: First Day

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Hope woke up to Hermione rushing around their room

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Hope woke up to Hermione rushing around their room.

"Hope, you're awake!" Hermione turned to her with a smile.

"Morning," Hope yawned.

"We've got to hurry if we want to be in class on time." Hermione insisted before walking into their shared bathroom. Hope sighed and started to pull out her robe out of dresser, she paused for a moment to look at the photo of her and her mother on top of said dresser and underneath it sat the letter from her father. Hope reluctantly picked up the envelope and sat down on her bed before taking the letter out.

"What's that?" Hope quickly tucked the letter back in and placed it in a drawer as Hermione came out of the shower.

"Nothing." She grabbed her clothes and walked past Hermione to the bathroom. 

Since they were the first of their friends awake and far earlier than needed the girls ate breakfast together. Ron and Harry joined soon after as the owls came in with letters and promptly dropped three on Hope's empty plate.

"Who'd you get letters from?" Harry asked as he bit a piece of toast. Hope looked at the writing on the letters.

"These ones are from my friends MG and Josie," She held up two of them, "and this one is from Dr. Saltzman, the headmaster at the Salvatore school."

"Saltzman? Any relation to Lizzie?" The every observant Hermione asked.

"Yeah, her dad and Josie is her twin sister." Hope opened the letter from MG first and set aside the one for Dr. Saltzman. Both Josie and MG sent their love and wished both girls luck on their first day, nothing special. Hope opted out of opening the last letter.

"Aren't you going to open the last one?" Harry asked.

"Nah, it'll be the same it always is 'I'm proud of you but don't lose it like your dad', a typical Dr. S peep talk." Hope took a sip of the coffee she had poured herself. They ate quietly while looking over the timetables McGonagall had passed out to them before heading down the hall to their first class.

"Any interesting letter?" Lizzie was quick to find Hope before going to her own class. She leaned her head on Hope's shoulder as she spoke.

"No, you?" Hope laughed a little at Lizzie.

"I got a letter from the hobbit." She held the letter in front of Hope's face. "It says it's from Raf but it's Landon's handwriting."

"He hates you, why would he write you a letter?" Hope mused.

"Read it," Lizzie gave her the letter.

"I got one from your dad you can read it if you want." Hope pulled the unopened letter from Dr. Saltzman out of her robe and handed it to Lizzie.

"Oh, fun!" Lizzie quickly opened Hope's letter from her father while Hope skimmed the one from Landon. The letter mainly talked about how Landon was on a short list of students who would be coming to Hogwarts if Hope and Lizzie worked out, but he didn't want to come if Hope was in a relationship because he didn't want to upset her.

"It's kind of sweet.." Hope commented.

"No, it really isn't. He says he wants to what's right for you and all but the truth is he doesn't want to transfer if he can't get you back." Lizzie stated as she folded up the letter from her father. "This one is pretty boring, same as always." Lizzie passed it back to Hope.

"Do you really think your dad would transfer Landon?" Hope asked as they walked.

"Never know with him, but no matter what happens you are not getting back together with him."

"Nothing is going to happen there, the last thing I need is a boyfriend." Hope told her as they made their way into the classroom trailing slightly behind the Golden Trio. Turns out they all had potions first period.

"You and Lizzie should sit with Harry and I since we are tutoring you." Hermione suggested as she trailed back to walk with the girls.

"Yeah, of course." They ended up at a table towards the back, Harry and Lizzie on one side and Ron, Hope, and Hermione across from them.

"Today we will be brewing the drought of the living dead. You will work with your partners. You may began." Snape's monotone voice filled the classroom as he entered. There happened to be an uneven number of students so he had begrudgingly allowed Hope, Hermione, and Ron to work together mainly because he knew if forced to work alone Ron would likely blow something up. Hermione had gone to the back of the room with Harry to get the necessary ingredients.

"Can you find it in the book?" Ron flipped from page to page already lost.

"Page 10, it looks pretty similar to a sleeping potion I know so it shouldn't be hard." Hope looked over the items on the table that Hermione had returned with. She started to grab things and put them in the cauldron making the other witch panic.

Ron mirrored Hermione's look of panic as he looked over at Hope who seemed to not even be reading the recipe. "You might want to read the recipe." He suggested.

"Hope is really good with potions." Lizzie chimed in. She was leaning against the table watching Harry work.

"I've been making sleep potions almost nightly since I was eight, this potion is pretty similar to them." She answered rather absent mindlessly. "And I am reading it, I'm just a fast reader."

"Why did you need a sleeping spell as strong as this one at the age of eight?" Hope froze up at the memories brought back by Harry's question. She was haunted by hollow whispers for years as a child.

"It's a long story," She continued and tried her best to concentrate. Hermione had settled for watching Hope work while she focused on the written portion of the assignment since Hope seemed to know what she was doing. Lizzie had a similar idea and was having Hermione help with their groups essay while Harry worked leaving only Hope for Ron to talk to. "Do you want to smash those for me?" She pointed to something on the table and Ron got to work while making meaningless small talk.

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