The Aftermath

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Finn hunches over as Jake hugs him. BMO runs up and clutches Finn's legs, evidently his way of trying to cheer him up. Me and Marcy exchange a look, then advance and join the group hug. Our arms encircle the dog and the boy a rain starts to fall from the sky, so dark I don't need to cover my skin. Finn sighs and pulls away. 

"Guys, really, I'm ok. I mean, that guy tried to kill me like three times." he turns to the tree planted where the treehouse used to be and the sword wedged into it's branches. He sighs again and slides his back against the trunk until he's sitting against the base. A single tear strokes his cheek, and he brushes it away, embarrassed. Finn closes his eyes and we do the same, in memorial for the grass doppelganger of Ooo's most prestigious hero. 

"Hey," Jake says after a minute, "Think of it like this. He was you. So, for a short period, all your friends had double the love, and all your enemies had double the hate. Actually, that doesn't really help..." he mutters.

I take a deep breath and walk over to the brothers.

"Do you want me and Marcy to help you move houses? Or re-build the treehouse?" Marcy nods and floats over to us.

"Yeah, you can help build a new treehouse I guess..." Finn says without conviction or looking up. Jake, however, snaps his head to look at me and Marcy, then to our entwined hands, all grievances for Fern temporarily forgotten, "Thanks for reminding me, Finn...Bonnie and Marcy...what the bjork was that about?!" 

Finn looks up, completely confused, "What the bjork was what about?" he asks. Me and Marcy blush slightly.

"Oh, well..." Marcy says, rubbing her arm.

"What are you guys talking about?" Finn asks again.

"You would have to know about our past..." I put in.

"Explain this fudge!" Finn cries.

"We're not too sure ourselves..." Marcy explains.

"GUYS WHAT HAPPENED?!" Finn shouts, loosing it.

"Oh right." Jake says, "You were in Golb."

"Yeah," Finn replies bitterly, "What. Happened. When I was in Golb"

Jake sucks air through his teeth and addresses me and Marcy, "So you guys wanna tell him, or should I?"

We exchange another look and make a 'go ahead' movement with our hands. Jake takes a deep breath and says to Finn, "PB got smushed...and Marcy went to see if she was OK...they talked for a bit...I didn't really hear what they said...and then...they kissed." Jake shrugs, "Sorry man in case you still like her." 

Finn gets up slowly, then meets my eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I don't really understand either-" I'm cut off by a monstrous hug as Finn bowls into me. I gasp, then hug him tightly. Marcy cackles and joins us.

"I don't mind that you didn't tell me." He says, his voice muffled by my neck. I must admit, I will be a lot more comfortable with him hugging me now that he's grown away from...that area.

"It's cool. Now two of my best friends are dating, so there'll be no way I loose touch with either of you!" He says as he pulls away. Then he jumps up and down as he faces Jake.

"Jaaaaaake..." Finn says, a large grin on his face. Jake catches on and says, "NICKNAME!"

they immediately begin brainstorming ideas, mixing our names together.





Then they make eye contact and grin, kind of creepily.



"On the count of three..."

"One.. two... three..."

The brothers face me and my girlfriend (?) and say at the same time,


BMO tugs on Finn's shorts and whispers, "That nickname is terrible."

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