Coming Out

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"Ok, let's do this. Tell me again the deets."

I sighed and said, "We both come out. I come out to Jake my way and you come out to Finn your way and we see which was received better."

"Ok, let's do this."

We arrived at the tree house just after eight AM. Marceline hovered a foot above the ground as she watched me talk to Jake.

"So, Jake..." I said nervously, "D'you wanna go for a walk...?"

"Um, sure. Lemme just get my backie." He came back a few minutes later with a backpack.

Out in the woods, Jake pointed out a couple of squirrels.

"Look at those lovebirds," he said, "or love-squirrels. That's cute."

I laughed awkwardly, "Wouldn't it be cool if they were, like, lesbian?"

"Er, I don't think animals can be lesbian." Jake answered, "But I don't know."

On we walked. I spotted a clearing that looked like it was right for the job, and led Jake to it, under the premise of eating a sandwich.

"Soooooooo...Jake..." I picked up two acorns, "This looks like me, doesn't it?" I held the slightly lighter one up against the light, "and this one has a cap that looks like Marceline's hair, right?"

Jake produced a non-committal grunt and moved on to his next sandwich. I plunge into my monologe.

"So, if these two acorns (that by no purpose greatly resemble me and Marceline) began to date, well, not date but like, became very very very very close, then how would you react?"

Jake dug around in his backpack and said, "I would be completely unsurprised as I walked on you two kissing last week when you said you were doing science."

My face turned red, " did?"

"Yeah, I didn't tell Finn though. I thought you might want to."

I decided to backtrack, "No, we weren't kissing I was teaching Marcy, no, Marceline how to do mouth-to-mouth CPR."

Jake, apparently frustrated, stretched his head five times bigger than ususal and shouted, "OH MY GLOB PRINCESS I'M AWARE OF YOU AND MARCY AND I AM OK WITH IT AND FINN WILL BE OK WITH IT AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY PLEASE STOP BEING SO ANNOYING AND JUST COME OUT!" He panted and shrunk his head down to the normal size. "I'm sorry but if you think I'm going to take your sexuality badly then how can we trust each other? 

"You're right," I said, "Let's go and see how Finn and Marceline are doing."

On the way back I explained to Jake our plan and he found it hilarious.

"You thought your approach was a winning one? Princess, pur-lease." I scoffed.



"Sooooooo...what's this about, Marcy?" Finn asked, hopping onto the table. I scrunched up my body in excitement and then shot into a star shape as I yelled, "SO YOU REMEMBER YOUR MASSIVE CRUSH PB WELL SHE'S SOOOOOOO GAY AND ALSO I'M GAY AND ALSO WE'RE DATING AND ALSO WE'VE BEEN DATING FOR A WHILE AND ALSO I LOVE HER AND ALSO I'VE WAITED SO LONG TO BE ABLE TO TELL YOU!" I squealed with happiness.

"That's great, Marcy!" Finn shouted and I hugged him.

"I'm so glad you understand, Finn." I said gratefully.

"Of course! It doesn't matter who you date, you're still my bestie. Wanna work on a song?"

"You bet."

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