Ash and Bonnie

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"C'mon, idiot, pick up!" 

I shook my phone, as if that would make my jerk boyfriend pick up. Here I was, booking super expensive tickets to a band he likes, and he has the audacity to not pick up?! I growl. 

Stomping outside, I make the short journey to his apartment. Neglecting to knock, I shout, "Ash! Let's go!"
"Hang on, Mar-mar, come look at this!"

Striding into the kitchen I see a tall, lanky, ashen-skinned man presenting a fancy-looking computer. "Look, look," he beckons. "I made a program for you!" he types a few keys, and a tilting voice sings I love you, Jessica! I gasp.

"No, no wrong one," Ash says, typing a few more keys. The same voice sings, I love you Marceline! "Jessica's my...sister."

Idiot. He knows damn well I know he's an only child. I decide to leave it...for now.

"Where'd you get that? You're broke, Ash."

"Oh, I know," he grins, "But I bought it from that black market!"

I sit straighter in surprise, "Where'd you get the money?"

"Oh, that teddy bear that mental dude gave you! It got me so much money cuz it's like a thousand years old."

"..." I find it hard to process this, "you...cheated on MARKET!?" I scream.

"Now, I know it seems bad bu-" I can't bear to listen to one more second of his voice.


I storm out, tears streaming down my face. It shows how little I actually care for Ash that the tears are for my now long-lost teddy, Hambo. 

"Oh, Simon..." I whisper, hunched under a bus stop, "If only you were here, Simon Petrikof, who knew every words to the grape soda jingle..." As if answering me, I hear him.

"Marceline..." He says, and it's not the gravely notes of the dementia-ridden Captain Petrikof, but the sweet calming melody of my old friend, "He was a butt! You need to forget about him! Go to the concert, Marceline my sweet, and find a cute girl!

"What?" I laugh.

"Did I say girl? I meant boy! Boyfriend! Dang, I blew it."

It's not like I hadn't heard Simon in my head before, but it's always invigorating when I do. His gender mix-up already forgotten, I grab my coat and hail a taxi. I was going to enjoy this concert.


As cheering erupts, I rub my ears. As the lead in a genuine rock band, I can officially say the last five songs were terrible. I need air and calm. 

I sit outside the concert room, twirling a cigarette in my hand. I quit a while ago, but I think I deserve it after I broke up with Ash. Still, I put it back for now.

Suddenly, a shadow appears at my side and I jump. Turning, I see a sweet-looking woman, with light skin and baby-pink hair. She wears a white tank-top and red shorts that expose a lot of skin. I stare in wonder before blushing with embarrassment.

"Sorry," she says, "It's just I saw you go outside and thought I might join you. The music is...interesting, to say the least."

"Oh, right," I say laughing, "If interesting means appalling!"

"My brother's the lead singer and guitarist," the woman says softly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I say, once again embarrassed. Did I just ruin my chance with a really cute girl? 


"No, it's ok. I know he isn't as talented as he thinks." the pink lady laughs and I join in. I can see the resemblance between the siblings now. The brother, I remember, has hot-pink hair and clothes of the same, yet variating, hues. Definitely siblings. 

The lady sits next to me and pulls out a peppermint lollipop. Sucking on it, she looks out on the rainy road, cars speeding past us. 

"I'm gonna go get my umbrella. Be back soon."

I sit in silence as I watch a car slow down and eventually stop. The window rolls down and a bald man sticks his head out. He catcalls.

"Hey, you're a fine-lookin chick. C'mon, get in here and I can show you a good time." he winks and whistles again. I decline. "What, you think you're so high and mighty? C'mon lady." He starts opening the car door. Though I keep a poker face, my heart starts pounding.

"Hey, are you deaf? She said no." The pink lady is back, wielding her umbrella like a sword. The man ignores her, reaching out for me. She promptly hits him around the head. 

As he scuttles back to his car, the woman laughs and takes a seat next to me. 

"Bonnibel Bubblegum. Strange name I know. Just call me Bonnie" She holds out her hand.

"Marceline Abadeer." I shake it.

"Tell me, Marceline, are you seeing anyone?" Bonnie ask slyly.

"It's a fact I broke up with him today..." I grin.

"I'll meet you at the chess games in Central Park then?" she says, writing her number down.

"I daresay you will." I answer to her retreating back. I stare at the number for a while, then grab it. Sod sexuality, that girl's hot.

This is my second Bubbline fanfic, first is called Sour Candy, please check it out! So if you have an idea for a short please put it in the comments (include the basic plot and time line, e.g modern-day humans or Ooo or anything in between) and I will DEFINITELY get back to you and do it bc nothing makes me happier than people reading my books EEEEEEEE!

Luv ya!

Sad Marceline Simp

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