He heard Mark let out a surprised "Wow." followed by "Never had a girlfriend? That's weird. You look gorgeous."

"Thanks." Donghyuck giggled "But I'm glad I never had one. I would've only mistreated her because my father keeps me in the company until late evening. I barely even have time to hang with my friends."

"You're twenty years old. How does your father still have that much power over you?" Mark asked, sounding horrified. To Donghyuck it wasn't a big deal though, he didn't know why Mark was in such a disbelief.

"It's the family. I'll become the next chairman of the company and so my father wants to teach me. He doesn't do a very good job though, I'm already a better CEO than he will ever be." the younger man said. Mark snorted at his confidence but still agreed "True. That time when we sat in the office and your father said he would teach you I could already tell that it wouldn't work out. Besides, you didn't hear it from me, but people don't respect your father. They're only scared of him."

"Oh, I know. So am I." Donghyuck mumbled. Mark petted his hair, seemingly trying to find the right words to say.

"He isn't a very good father, is he?" he asked. Donghyuck shook his head and gave Mark a quick glance. The latter looked down at him with a frown. He was obviously upset over something that Donghyuck had long since come to terms with.

"Has he ever done anything bad to you?" the older questioned carefully.

"Not the way you're thinking, no. Of course, the usual asian parenting but he never got violent with me. It's more emotional unavailability. He never saw me as his son, only his heir." Donghyuck answered truthfully.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Mark whispered. It was the first time Donghyuck had heard his voice seem somewhat sad. He wasn't used to it, feeling slightly awkward.

"What about you though? I can't keep telling you my life story while you give me nothing. Tell me about your dad." he said.

Mark noticed his change in topic but didn't try to push it. So instead he started to talk about his own life. "My father was also busy during my childhood. However he was always there for me, my mother too. They were both business people so we travelled a lot before settling in Vancouver when I was in middle school. I told you about my school experience before." he said.

"And your father wanted you to become chairman like me?" Donghyuck asked. He obviously couldn't see but felt it when Mark shook his head.

"No, they wanted me to become a doctor or lawyer or something. I never liked that though, I was always interested in the business and my parents were happy when they found out. I would always beg my dad to take me with him to work so I wouldn't have to hand out with the brats from school. They didn't like me." he explained.

"That's cute. I can just imagine little Mark asking for his father in English. Adorable." Donghyuck commented, smiling as he visualised the situation he had just described.

"Yeah, that's accurate." Mark laughed. The two fell silent but it wasn't awkward but peaceful. They just listened to the rain and occasional thunder while enjoying each other's warmth.

"Do you think they will find us?" Donghyuck asked out of nowhere. It was a thought that had occurred him often during the past few days when they were building a hut. He was wondering for how long they would actually use it, another five days or another five years.

"I'm sure they will." Mark assured him, voice sleepy.

"It's been about a month. How haven't they found us yet?" Donghyuck questioned sceptically.

"The world is big, especially if you don't know where to start searching. And since we were flying with a private plane the search won't be publicly talked about. Don't worry though, I know my father will be searching each corner of the ocean to find me." Mark replied. He tilted his head up slightly and let his one arm rest beneath it while his other laid next to Donghyuck on his chest.

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