Chapter 21- A distressed Angie

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It was the morning and Angie had woke up staring at her ring. She couldn’t believe she was engaged.

Herman “The ring won’t change colour if you keep staring at it”.

Angie “Haha very funny”.   She kissed Herman’s nose.

Herman “So what are you doing today?”.

Angie “I am going to go meet Pablo in the park”.

Herman “Well I hope everything goes okay. I’ll be home all day if you need me”.

Angie “Thanks Herman”.   She kissed Herman on the lips.

………….2 Hours Later……….

It was lunch time and Angie was sat on a bench in the park waiting for Pablo to arrive. She was nervous. Pablo  came and sat down beside Angie.

Angie “Hey Pablo”.

Pablo “Hi Angie”.

Angie “Thanks for meeting with me. I need to tell you something”.

Pablo “What that you are engaged to be married to Herman?”.

Angie “Yes how did you know?”.

Pablo “I heard Violetta talking to Leon that Herman was planning on proposing to you. Then the next thing I heard there was going to be an engagement party for you and Herman off Antonio”.

Angie “Pablo I’m so sorry. I wanted to tell you myself”.

Pablo “Don’t worry. Angie are you sure you want to marry Herman?”.

Angie “Of course I do. I love him”.  Pablo’s eyes grew wider.

Pablo “Okay well I guess that there is nothing more to say. Bye Angie. Congratulations”.  He looked sad and walked away.

Angie “Pablo wait!”.  She shouted after Pablo.

………..3 Hours Later………….

Angie returned to the house. Herman heard the door open and he immediately came out of his office.

Herman “So how did it go?”.

Angie “I didn’t have to say anything. He already knew about the engagement. He heard Violetta talking to Leon at the studio”.

Herman “I’m sorry Angie”  He pulled Angie into his embrace.

Angie “I think I have lost my best friend”.  She started to cry.

Blind Love 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें