Chapter 17- Carrara to Castillo

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Herman pulled Angie outside into the background.

Angie “Herman what’s going on?”.

Herman “Look up at the sky”.   Herman pointed to the sky. There was a plane. He had hired a skywriter to spell out his proposal. It read “Will you marry me Angie?”.

Angie looked at Herman. He was on his knee holding a red velvet box with a diamond ring in it.

Herman “Angie I love you so much.  I knew since the day I met you that you were the women for me. We’ve shared loads of precious moments and there is many more to come. You make me laugh and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So will you marry me?”.

Angie “Of course I will marry you Herman”.   She was teary.

Herman slid the ring on Angie’s finger and pulled her into his embrace.  When he pulled away he kissed Angie passionately on the lips.  

Violetta “Can I come out now?”.   Violetta was hiding behind a tall plant.

Herman “Yes Vilu”.  Violetta came out from behind the plant.

Angie reached out her hand to Vilu. Violetta saw the clear diamond ring gleaming.

Violetta “Oh my God. Your getting married!”.   Violetta jumped up and down. Angie joined in.

Herman “Can I interrupt this moment to get a kiss of my finance?”.

Violetta “She’s all yours”. 

Angie “Herman you have made me so happy”.

Herman “I love you so much Angie Carrara soon to be Castillo”.

Angie and Herman kissed passionately. Violetta began to gag.

Violetta “I know you’ve just got engaged but seriously get a room”.

Herman “That can be arranged”.  He smirked and grabbed Angie’s hand. Violetta laughed. 

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