Chapter 6- Impatient, Bored and Restless

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It was a new day and the sun was creeping in the half closed curtains. Angie was the first to wake. She smiled when she saw Herman’s arms wrapped around her waist. Herman began to stir. He kissed Angie’s neck and she turned around to face him.

Angie “Morning sleepy head”.

Herman “Morning my Sleeping Beauty”.

Angie “Do you have work today?”.

Herman “No I had Ramallo cancel all of my meetings for the next couple of days”.

Angie “And why did you do that?”

Herman “I want to spend quality time with you and Violetta and maybe have you to myself”.

Angie “What do you have in mind?”.

Herman “I can think of a couple of things”. He began to kiss Angie’s neck. She giggled.

…………..30 Minutes Later…………..

Angie and Herman were downstairs talking when Ramallo interrupted them.

Herman “Yes what is it Ramallo?”.

Ramallo “I’m sorry Herman Mr Davide is on the phone. He really needs to discuss the terms of the agreement”.

Herman “Okay. Sorry Angie. I won’t be long”.  He kissed her cheek and headed to his office.

…………2 Hours Later…………

Herman was still in his office. Angie grew impatient and decided to act. She marched into Herman’s office and pushed all the papers of his desk. She than sat on the edge of the table.

Herman “Well hello there”.

Angie “Hello”.

Herman “Thanks for cleaning my desk”.

Angie “You’re welcome”.

Herman “You know Olga could of cleaned up. That’s what I pay Olga for”.

Angie “I know but I didn’t do it to clean up. I’m bored ad restless”.

Herman “Naughty girl. Well if you’re bored you can always stay in here”.

Angie “Ummmmm no. I find Ramallo to be entertaining then you”.

Herman “You prefer Ramallo huh?. Well I have more intelligent conversations with Olga”.

Angie “Now you’ve upset me”.  She pretended to be hurt.

Herman “I’m not dumb Angie”.   Angie laughed. Herman grabbed Angie’s leg and pulled her towards him. His hands were now on her hips. He pulled Angie onto his lap.

Angie “Please Sir. I don’t appreciate being man handled”.

Herman “Well someone needs to try and to charge of you”.

Angie “Ohhhhh Herman. You being the dominant one in our relationship. It doesn’t suit you”.

Angie kissed Herman’s nose and then left Herman’s office. Violetta then came through the front door.

Violetta “Hey Angie. Where’s dad?”.

Angie “Hi Vilu. He’s in his office. I wouldn’t go in Vilu. The office is very messy”.

Herman “And who’s fault is that?”.  He shouted from his office.

Angie “I think you’ll find it’s yours Herman”   She shouted back.

Angie kissed Violetta’s forehead then went upstairs.

Violetta “I’ll never understand Adults”.   

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