Chapter 3- Planning on making him Pay

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Herman, Violetta and Angie were in the car. Violetta was sat in the back with her earphones in. Herman then prodded Angie she then flicked him back. They continued this not noticing that the car was sliding in and out of the lanes.

Violetta “Guys stop it. The car’s sliding”.

Angie “Well he started it”.

Herman “No I didn’t”.

Violetta “Stop it. Your behaving like school children”.

Angie “Okay. Your right. Sorry Herman”.

Herman “Sorry Angie”.

Violetta “That’s better”.  She put her earphones back in. Angie and Herman restarted there dispute.

Angie “It’s your fault”.

Herman “No it isn’t. You started it”.   Violetta pulled out her earphones.

Violetta “Serioulsy?. You can’t stop arguing for 1 minute?”.

'Angie and Herman “Okay sorry Vilu”.

Violetta “Now let that be the end of it”.

Herman “Look were here”.  Herman pulled over. They were in the middle of nowhere. They all got out of the car.

Angie “Where are we?. What we doing here?”.

Violetta “Yeah Dad I’m confused”.

Herman “We are all going on a long walk”. 

Violetta “What?”.

Angie “I can’t. I didn’t bring my trainers”.

Violetta “Me too. I’ll stay here. You too have fun”.   Herman opened the boot and pulled out Angie’s and Violetta’s trainers.

Herman “I thought you’d say that so put them in the car myself. Here you go”.

He handed them there trainers. Violetta and Angie couldn’t hide the fact that they didn’t want to go on a long wall.  They put on their trainers on in silence. Violetta whispered to Angie.

Violetta “I’m going to make him pay for this”.

Angie “Not if I get there first Vilu”. She whispered back. Angie got up and walked over to Herman. Herman heard faint giggling.

Herman “What she giggling at?”.

Angie “I don’t know. Come on let’s go”.  Angie ushered Herman away. Violetta walked behind.

Violetta “What is she planning?”.   She said quietly.

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