Chapter 27- A Third Attempt

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It was now the evening and Grace and Angie were getting ready.

Grace “Why did he invite me along to dinner?”.

Angie “He didn’t. I did”.

Grace “so I wasn’t invited. Basically I’m a third wheel”.

Angie “No you’re not. I might need you to play referee”.

Grace “Awww thanks. I thought it might be because you want me to join you”.

Angie “I do want you to join us”.

Grace “Really?”.

Angie “Of course. You’ve been so good to me. It really means a lot”. Grace hugged Angie tightly.

Grace “You look stunning”. Angie was wearing a black pencil skirt and a pink blouse tucked in.

Angie “Thanks Grace. You too”.

They got into a cab and headed to the Restaurant.

Meanwhile at the restaurant Herman was sat in a booth. His palms were sweaty. He was nervous. Grace headed towards the door whilst Angie was reluctant to go in. Grace noticed.

Grace “What’s the matter Angie?”.

Angie “I don’t know if I can do this”.

Grace “Don’t you wanna go in?”.

Angie “I do it’s just I dreamed about Herman coming to France to get me and he has. It’s just hard to believe”.

Grace “If I’m honest I think he loves you”.

Angie “I don’t know”.

Grace “Come on let’s go in before he think you’ve stood him up”.

Angie “Okay”.  She looked apprehensive.

They linked each other and walked into the restaurant together. Herman saw them and smiled. He stood up.

Herman “Evening”.

Grace “Hi Herman”.

Angie “Hello”.

They all sat down. It went silent until Herman broke it.

Herman “So how see you both?”.

Grace “I’m good thanks”.

Angie “I’m fine”. It was very awkward. The waitress came over and took their orders. She was flirting with Herman and Angie raised her eyebrow.

Angie “Seems like you’re a big hit with the ladies”.

Herman “What do you mean?”.

Angie “The waitress was totally flirting with you”.

Herman “I didn’t notice because I only have eyes for one lady”.

Angie “Well if that was true you wouldn’t have kissed Jade”.   It went silent.

………10 Minutes Later…….

The waitress arrived with their meals. She winked at Herman then left.

Herman “So what have you been up to since you came to France?”. Grace butted in.

Grace “Well you know she’s had a blast. Came to France to get away from the drams even though it followed her here. Ohh yeah and nonstop crying”.    Angie looked down.

Grace “Look I’m going to go. You guys can’t talk properly when I’m here. Angie I’ll see you back at the apartment”. She got up and left. It was just Herman and Angie.

Herman “Angie I miss you please come home. Violetta misses you like crazy”.

Angie “Don’t you dare. Don’t bring Violetta into this. This is between you and me”.

Herman “Okay Angie. Come home. I need you I’m so sorry”. He grabbed Angie’s hands. She didn’t take them away.

Angie “How do I know you’re telling the truth?”.

Herman “You don’t nut you have to trust me”.

Angie “That’s hard for me to do right now”.

Herman “Okay. I can wait. Will you come back to Argentina with me?”.

Angie “I don’t know”.

Herman “I’ll give you some time”. Angie smiled.

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