Opportunities To Take Away

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「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
*We see a tired Young Lad, with pale skin, blue eyes, and had black hair and clothing, slowly sitting up from the floor, letting out a small yawn and rubs his eyes, this Mystery Stranger was name Kumagawa Misogi, a Minus Among Minuses, A Good Loser, and a very confused person, who looked around the dark room he was in after having his mind and body more waken up*

"「Huh? Where am I? How did I get here?」"
*He tilts his head and held his chin, as he tries to remember what happened, and how he gotten here, he thinks very hard*

"「Let's see, arriving to Sandbox, getting lost, trying to ask direction's, killing those rude people, meeting some old friend's, teasing a old man, creating chaos, more chaos, even more chaos, challenging Medaka-Chan, failing ever challenge, seeing my friends lose and reform... Betrayal... Meetimg the person I despise... Gaining my old Minus... Challenging Medaka-Chan... Fighting her... Trying to kill her..."
*Each time he tries to remember every small events that lead him here, his frown became more apparent, his eyes losing all its joyfulness and the atmosphere became more disturbing and ugly around his, clearly not enjoying his memories*

"And then that's it... Was I defeated, did Medaka-Chan lock me away?"
*He looks back up at his surrounding, he assumes he was either in a room, or some type of dungeon, he wasn't sure, though before he could question any of this more, he heard a small yawn, which caught his attention and look behind himself, and what he saw made his blue eyes go very wide*

"H-Huh? Where am I?"
*There was a small child, maybe around three, she had blue hair, red eyes, pale skin, and wore a cute pink dress, this little girl, believe it or not, was Medaka Kurokami, much to Minus surprise*

*He could not believe what he was seeing, and what he would hear next will shock him more*

"Hey, who are you? Are you the doctor that's suppose to see what's wrong with me?"
*The one known as Medaka wore a confused and suspicious expression, but what she had said, was enough information to make him realize something*

'She doesn't remember anything...'
*He was very amazed to see this, he doesn't know how this happened, or who did any of this, but someone, not only reversing his rival's age, but also erasing most of her memories, was so impressive, and a bit funny, he can't wait to rub this fact on his enemies faces, it will be beyond halarious*

'She doesn't even remember me~'
*But then, after realizing this fact, a small idea came into his mind, a certain small thought, that was enough to make him smile brightly, and getting rid all of the disturbing atmosphere, and replace with something, more sinister, he looked back at the child, who was still looking at him with suspicions and confusion*

"「How can you forget about me? It's me, Kumagawa Misogi, your new Caretaker~」"
*He quickly hid all his evil intentions, and wore his very friendly face as he lies cleanly through his teeth*

"N-New Caretaker?"
*She went eye's wide in shock, no doubt very surprised to hear what he had just said*

"「Of course, after they found out you were a Minus, your family no longer loved you and gave you to me~」"
*Once he said this, the small child shook her head, clearly not believing any of this*

"T-That's Not True!... Is it?..."
*Kurokami started to tear up, trying her best not to cry, but failed when Kumagawa picked her up, and held her close comfortly*

"「I wish it wasn't, people aren't so kind to people like us, but don't worry, I promise to love you and care for you~」"
*He pets and nuzzles the sadden child, who held him close, no doubt wanting this comfort for having a now broken heart, though was unaware of the evil small smile he has on his face*

"「Cause you belong to me now, and it makes you my responsibility~...」"
What World Should Kumagawa Raise Medaka In?~
(And Possibly Fine A 'Helper'~)

Harley Quinn: Harley X Kumagawa.


Akame Ga Kill: Esdeath X Kumagawa.


Someone Evil or Something Horror Related.
(It has to be a Main, or somewhat Important Villain Helper)

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