part 21

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Y/N's pov:


i'm sitting in my cell when a guard comes in and takes me out and says "вставай солдат" (get up soldier) in russian rudely , i get up and stand at the door of my cell waiting for further instructions.

i just got back from a mission in buenos ares where i assassinated some off the grid ex-HYDRA scientists who were giving away HYDRA secrets.

some group called the avengers showed up before i killed the last 2 and i knew i was going to suffer for that.

i am starting to get these flashes of memories ever since argentina of a boy with blonde hair.

as i got up to the bars he opened the cell and grabbed me roughly , the collar around my neck hurting me more , but i didn't let it show.

the guard dragged me down the hall until we got into a room.

i took in my surroundings and seen the doctor and a chair that looks like something from a dentist office.

"сидеть" (sit) the doctor said motioning towards the chair.

i complied and sat in the chair.

the guard put something rubber in my mouth and i bit down on it.

the guard started strapping me down and put two plates on my head.

when the guard was done he stepped away.

then it started the electricity started pulsing through my body and the highest setting , i tried to stop it with my powers but it was to no avail.

my screams were muffled by the rubber thing that was stopping me from biting my tongue off during this excruciating pain.

the pain stopped about an hour later and then i was un-strapped from the chair and i sat up.

the doctor started speaking in russian.

"пятнадцать" (fifteen) the doctor spoke with a huge grin on his face.

"лифт" (elevator) there was this pain in my head begging him to stop.

"Пожар" (fire) he spoke again the grin not leaving his face.

"сирена воздушной тревоги" (banshee) again the pain was killing me.

"быстрый" (fast) the words he speaks are irritating me.

"дочь" (daughter) i just wanted it to be over.

"мощный" (powerful) i wanted to scream but my body wasn't letting me.

"боль" (pain) i am theirs.

"герои" (heroes) he then stopped.

he then speaks again and says "доброе утро солдат" (good morning soldier).

i reply to him in russian and say "готов подчиниться" (ready to comply).

(A/N okay so i'm back , and school is over for me for a while but if i'm being honest with you i forgot i was writing this book. anyways as i said i was super stressed and cut bangs but i like them now. my birthday is in less than a month so that's fun , i'll probably just get money for it which i'm going to obviously spend on marvel stuff , i might get bucky's dog tags because i am in love with bucky barnes. anyway i hope you all are doing good and life's treating you all well. okay enough of my talking , you guys are amazing and i just want to say thanks for all the understanding and support it is so appreciated. i am not doing regular update i'll just update whenever i can now instead of every friday. i was really tempted to say that wednesdays are the new friday's but then i realized i can't even keep my exam papers together never mind update a wattpad book every week on a specific day. but anyways i'm uploading it today as a wednesday lol.

thank you

- the author.)

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