Part 4

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i woke up from my nap and i seen pepper had already left.i got up and went to the kitchen. when i got there i got a fright when steve was there "jesus steve what do you want" i said with a sigh "the avengers are having a meeting in 10 minutes do you not remember calling it" he said with a confused look on his face "oh shit, ye i forgot" i replied "well be ready the meeting rooms starting to fill up" steve said before walking off to the meeting room.i got an apple from the bowl on the kitchen island and started eating it.


i walked into the meeting room everyone was having there own conversation while they were waiting on me to come. steve noticed i came in and shushed the room before i starting on what the meeting was about. 


bruce was explaining something boring before F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice came in and said "mr. stark pepper and Y/N are at the elevator and would like to see you" the whole room went silent and nat asked "uh tony who's Y/N?" everyone else looked at me awaiting and answer , i just said "i'll tell you when i get back" and i walked out of the room to the elevator.

there she was , Y/N the daughter i was deprived of for so many years , standing there with a duffle bag over her shoulder looking confused. i walked up to her i gulped and then smiled trying to hide the nervousness and said "hello you must be Y/N i'm tony your father" she looked at me and spoke "hey" i gave her a hug and she hugged me back i said "sorry u were left so many years without your father i wish i knew about you sooner" she then replies with "it's okay it wasn't your fault my mother didn't tell you about me" we stopped hugging and she gave me a smile.

"i have some people i would like you to meet" i said walking "okay" she replied following me.we arrived to the meeting room andi stepped in and everyone looked at me and then Y/N walked in the room going silent. "everyone i would like you to meet Y/N , my daughter" everyone's jaw dropped when i said that as Y/N went a dark red colour in the face "what do you mean daughter" bruce said breaking the silence "well her mother got pregnant and gave birth to her 15 years ago after a one night stand with the devilishly handsome tony stark" i replied with a grin.


i explained everything to everyone while Y/N stood there as everyone started to introduce themselves "steve rogers , nice to meet you" steve held out his hand to shake Y/N's "nice to meet you too". she then turned to bruce "bruce banner" Y/N shook his hand and turned to nat "natasha romanoff , but you can call me nat" she shaked nat's hand and turned to bucky "james buchanan barnes . but you can call me bucky" Y/N shook his metal hand and pulled back at how cold it was "sorry" she said to bucky he smiled at her.

she turned to thor as as he said "thor odinson , son of odin" Y/N giggled as he made this remark as he shook her hand and she then turned to loki "loki laufeyson , sorry about my brother he's kinda weird" she giggles slightly and then turns to clint "clint barton" she shakes his hand and goes to vision "vision" she shakes his hand and moved on to peter "uhh-uh peter parker" he says nervously while Y/N let out another giggle she could see how nervous he was and then went to wanda one of the new recruits "wanda maximoff" Y/N smiles at her and shakes her hand before turning to pietro "pietro maximoff" she holds his hand a bit longer than everyone else's as she says "brother" pointing her head to wanda keeping eye contact with each other  "twin" he says and she let go of him still keeping eye contact.

everyone else noticed this strange scene happening right in front of us as Y/N slowly walks back to me pietro not letting her out of his sight. this was frustrating me so i gave him a death glare which he noticed and stopped looking at my daughter. she looked back at him , staring at him.

Darkness Into Light • P. MAXIMOFF Where stories live. Discover now