Part 12

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i woke up and looked at the clock on the table beside pietro's bed , it read 7:23 AM , i looked up at the blonde boy i was laying on as he was still sleeping and smiled before going to get up. i walked over to the closet i had my clothes in and picked out a pair of baggy but not super baggy black jeans with metal studs on them , a black lace crop top , a black cropped hoodie with black boots with white laces and chains hooked onto my jeans.

(here's a picture of what it would look like it was the closest i could find to my description)

(here's a picture of what it would look like it was the closest i could find to my description)

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

i walked out of our room pietro still sleeping , i then walked down the hall to the kitchen , as i walked in bucky , steve and clint were sitting at the table with some man ,  6ft tall with chocolate brown skin and some weird glasses on his face. the four looked up at me as i walked in and i heard the man they were sitting with whispering not so quietly to steve "who's she spangle's" i held in my laugh at the nickname the man had for steve as i got a glass and filled it up with water. 

"hey Y/N come here for a second we have someone we want you to meet" clint said cheerfully when i went to make an exit , i turned around and walked over to the table they were sitting at "hey doll , this is sam" bucky said with a grin on his face as i chuckled at the nickname he gave me , i looked at sam "hey i'm Y/N , nice to meet you" i said as i shook his hand "you barton's kid" he asked me and looked at clint "no i'm tony's kid" i said to him as he had a look of shock on his face , bucky , steve , clint and i started laughing , "this is sam , the falcon he's an avenger too he was just out on a mission , rhodey is also on a mission but we don't know when he will be back" steve said to me as everyone started to stop laughing. 


i walked back to me and pietro's room after talking to sam , steve , clint and bucky for a while  ,i got to the door and threw it open , i walked in and there was pietro standing there with a towel around his waist , and when i say he looked fine it was a fucking understatement , oh my god he was so fucking hot , "sorry" i shouted as i slammed the door shut as i walked back out of our room blushing hard thinking about the half naked blonde boy i just walked in on. 

a minute later pietro opened the door , now fully dressed in sweatpants and a blue skin tight shirt that complimented his eyes , and walked away signaling me to come in as he sat on his bed. i walked in closing the door behind me and sat on my bed. "sorry about walking in on you , i should knock next time" i said letting out a small chuckle "it is fine princessa this is your room too you shouldn't have to knock to come in" he said laughing. "nice outfit by the way" he said looking me up and down "thanks , you don't look too bad yourself" i said blushing intensely at his comment "do you want to go for a run with me" i said to him "sure" he replied "okay let me get changed into some running clothes first" i said to the perfect boy in front of me. 

i walked over to my closet and got out a pair of black leggings , a five seconds of summer t-shirt and a regular black hoodie and walked into the bathroom and got changed. when i got changed i threw my hair up into a ponytail so it wouldn't get in my face and i put on my running shoes and walked out to pietro "ready" he said "ready" i replied. 


me and pietro walked into the kitchen laughing at a joke he made , going to the fridge getting two bottles of water out for me and pietro , i threw him a bottle and i closed the fridge , i opened the bottle and drank some so did pietro , "where were you two" we heard nat say , we both turned around to see all the avengers sitting around just hanging out "we just went for a run" i said before taking another sip of water  "well i'm going to my room" i said before turning around "i am too" pietro said following my catching up to me. 

we got to our room and he locked the door , he turned around to me and got closer to me and said "hey" i said "hey" back , next thing i knew we were making out , his tongue slid across my bottom lip i opened my mouth and he stuck his tongue in my mouth , his tongue colliding with mines in perfect sync. his hands were around my waist and mine were around his neck. i started running my fingers through his hair and he started making the kiss more intense. the kiss was sloppy and wet , i had butterflies in my stomach the entire time. 

we eventually broke the kiss after a few minutes of making out "wow" i said all flustered "wow" pietro replied all red in the face blushing uncontrollably "that was .. um .." i said "amazing , the best kiss you ever had" pietro replied with a smirk "ye something like that" i replied still processing what just happened. 

(A/N hey sorry i haven't been posting chapters recently as i haven't been home and was always busy but i am going back home tomorrow so hopefully i can get to writing more chapters for you , anyways i have a bit of writer's block , but when i think of something i will write it down , i have a few ideas on where the story can go but i'm sort of stuck on what to write before that , anyways i'll try write a chapter at least once a week if i can , thank you for understanding - the author)

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