!IMPORTANT! authors note

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okay so i know i went awol for a while and i'm super sorry and there won't be a new update for a while because i'm super busy with exams right now.

i'm putting this book on hold for a while just until i'm done with exams because they are very important exams and i can't handle the stress of having to update weekly , studying for exams i'm 12 subjects and i'm also getting a lot of homework in each subjects and then cba's (classroom based assessment).

so everything is a bit hectic right now but i'll be on summer holidays in four weeks and i should start writing again then.

i know some people are thinking it's very easy to write and how some authors update almost everyday but i find that very difficult to do because i have ADD and i find it very hard to focus i'm actually having trouble focusing on writing this simple authors note right now it's actually taken me an hour and a half so far to write this because i find it really hard to not get distracted and i actually get a bad headache trying to focus.

i really hope you all understand and sorry to disappoint you all that have been patiently waiting for an update , also i would like to say thank you so much for 8k reads! like i think that is amazing i remember when i used to get so happy when i got one read but now i have eight thousand that's so amazing.

you are all so amazing and understanding and without you this book wouldn't be a book it would just be a bunch of words on a screen but you all make it much more real you make it a book without the readers it's not a whole book it's just a bunch of random words but you the readers make them a whole so thank you all so much.

- the author

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