[Prologue] MTV Awards-2/02

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Tom's Pov'_

I couldn't help but blush, a slight pink at my cheeks. I hoped Jade didn't see me.
I looked at the cameras as I broke the eye contact with Emma. Even though I was taking different poses for photos with jade, I got a glimpse of Emma in her gown. She was looking beautiful as ever.
Her beautiful grey feathery gown, her slight but foxy make up, and her wonderful smile that lights up a room anytime. I remembered that time-

"Tommy! TOM!" Jade pulled me out of my thoughts. I was startled and annoyed by the new nickname, Emma would never call me that. Wait, why am I thinking about that?

"Tom come on, Lets go to the interviewers." She was about to drag me until a familiar friendly voice called out to me.
"Matt! Hey, how are you doing?" He grinned and patted me on my back,
"What's gotten you in a good mood?", "Nothing, just thinking about Angela."
"Angela Jones? Oh my god, you just started dating man!"
"I know, I know. But I can't get her out of my mind!"
"You are smitten mate!"
"Yup, much like Emma.." He muttered. Wait what?

"Wait. what do you mean-"
"I've got to go, I'll see you later." He rushed, and was lost in the crowd before I could process the bizarre thought of Emma being smitten with someone.

"Honey, what are you waiting for?" Jade asked again, "Huh? Nothing, lets go."
She stared at me suspiciously.
"Hello to all the fans seeing this famous event today, from your televisions. I'm here with you're favourite Tom Felton a.k.a Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter Films and  the beautiful Ms. Jade Gordon, So how are you doing, and what do you think about the end of The Harry Potter Films, Tom?"
"I'm doing great George, can't believe that the Harry Potter Films are over, I mean It was my whole childhood, there isn't one memory that isn't on The Harry Potter films set. I don't know what I'm gonna do after this."
"How many years have you and Ms. jade gordon been in a relationship?"
"5 Years." I said and grinned towards Jade.
"Oh! Are we hearing any good news yet?" 
I looked at Jade, she just grinned again and looked at me for an answer, My throat went dry.
"Umm-Well m-maybe, soon enough."

Jade smiled proudly, and she had something in her eyes that i can't particularly point out, but I shrugged it off. 
"So, what is going on with you and Emma watson??"
"W-what do you mean, George?", he just rolled his eyes and said-
"Well, its obvious that-"

Suddenly, Jade pulled me out of there and kissed me infront of the fans and all of the cameras and other celebrities, and all of them went silent. After that silence of bloody long 3 seconds, the fans started to cheer more, and the cameras were pointed towards us, as we kissed.
When we pulled apart, Jade looked at me and smiled sweetly, and I forgot her sudden action. I pecked her on her lips again and then slipped my hand around her waist and smiled at the cameras.
After that whole fiasco, Jade just smiled at me and went to find us seats. I cleared my throat and and turned tot George but he just nodded at me and returned to his place. I wanted to meet my friends so I headed towards Matt and Rupert talking, Matt saw me and wiggled his eyebrows, so obviously he saw, and Rupert just grinned but he had disappointment in his eyes. Huh, I wonder why.
"Just, stop it mate."
"Oh come on, Tom. Don't be such a buzzkill." Matt replies.
I rolled my eyes. "A-anyways, do you know where E-Emma went?" I muttered silently.
"Who?", "Emma."
"Oh." Matt and Rupert shared a look. Is there something everyone's hiding from me?!

"N-no w-we don't know mate." Matt replied.
"Are you sure?"

Emma's Pov'_

Tears start brimming in my eyes and my heart starts to shatter, again.
I hated this, every moment of it.

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