Irene: So, what happened to your hand?!

Lisa: Jennie gave me a cut. She simply said

Irene: What?!

Lisa: Yeah, she made this very brilliant invention that can heal bruises and cuts for Jisoo and Chaeyoung. She was able to heal Yeri's bruise on her knee, then she asked a volunteer to see if it can also heal the cut---

Irene: So she chose you. She raised her eyebrow while her arms was crossed

Lisa: Negative, I volunteered.

Irene: My gosh... I really scold her... let me see your hand. She grabbed Lisa's hand

It made Lisa shock, once Irene grabs her hand, she instantly felt the connection, the same feeling she felt when she first saw her piercing blue eyes, her heart started to beat fast and slow at the same time. She couldn't grasp in her head what she was feeling. Lisa was just staring at the lady in front of her examining her hand.

Irene: It doesn't look that bad. Make sure you clean it everyday and change the bandage, okay? She smiled

Lisa just nodded in response because she didn't have the voice to speak, like her words has gotten lost for a brief moment, which actually lost in Irene's eyes.

During the class, Lisa was again was listening attentively to her prof, while Irene on the other hand was stealing glances at Lisa. She was feeling all happy inside because she saw Lisa first in the morning, which instantly made her eyebrows creased when she realized she was thinking of Lisa and not her girlfriend and she decided to let her focus be at the board. After their class, Lisa was busy gathering her stuff while Irene is busy thinking.

"Hmm, I'm hungry, My friends still have classes while Seulgi have training. I'm really hungry" Irene said to herself

She got shocked when her stomach rumbles in a very loud noise which made her blush because Lisa was beside her and definitely heard it, and Lisa turned to her with a confused look.

"Did someone just growl?" Lisa asked herself

Irene: Sh*t. She shyly said while her head is down

Lisa: Are you perhaps hungry?

Irene just nodded because she is ashamed on Lisa with her head down

Lisa: Let's go...

Irene: Huh? She looks up and saw that Lisa is already standing

Lisa: Let's have breakfast .

Irene's lips suddenly formed a smile, she couldn't quite not understand which part made her smile, the part she can already eat or the wart where Lisa just ask her out for breakfast. The two decided to head towards the garden, because Irene insisted that it was a nice place to eat and there are food carts there. Irene seated herself under the cool shade of a very large tree, while Lisa was buying a sandwich and drinks for the both of them, once she had bought it, she immediately sits beside Irene and gave her a sandwich and a drink.

Irene: Thank you! She smiled widely

Irene was happily eating, she was munching on her sandwich while Lisa was amused seeing Irene, who was like really satisfied with her meal, she was even reading something while she was eating. Lisa wasn't curious at all with what she was reading, she was more curious on what's running on Irene's head. Irene notice that a pair of eyes was looking at her like she was a piece of specimen under the microscope, and she gave Lisa a violent reaction.

Silent Heart (Lisrene Adaptation)Where stories live. Discover now