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Third person point of view

Jina began to think differently of herself. She began to forget the past. She wanted to be able to enjoy varsity life very well with close friends. Jungkook was still trying to tell her not to misunderstand Mingyu. But Jina would stop talking to Jungkook if she heard Mingyu's name. Mingyu always contacted others. Jungkook realized that Mingyu had become very skinny after going abroad. Mingyu requested Jungkook to take care of Jina. Mingyu didn't want to hurt Jina, because he knew if Jina heard his name she would be mad or sad again. Mingyu told Jungkook to not talk about him. But Jungkook still tried to tell her. 

The Department of Architecture declared it to go on an architecture site. But only a few students had the opportunity to work with teachers for research. Wonwoo became the leader of guiding their juniors. Park Seonghwa was the youngest there. But because of his talent he got the chance very quickly. Those selected students went to an architecture site with Jin and Jihoon. 

Soobin asked Jin and Jihoon,

"Where will we stay at night? This place is far away from the city."

Jin replied,

"We will arrange the tent, don't worry

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"We will arrange the tent, don't worry. One of my friends is in charge of maintenance here. Now you will divide into a few groups. Jina and Seonghwa, Wonwoo and Tzuyu, Soobin and Jungkook."(I didn't add some students' names here,because these are the main ones. Just imagine there are few students more)

Jihoon said,

"So, your time starts now. Go."

Seonghwa and Jina were scaling.  Jina was too focused. Seonghwa asked her,

"Sunbaenim, you're really too focused."

"Scaling is really hard, Seonghwa. I've to scale everything right."

"Yes. It is. Architecture is really hard to study. If I only knew how difficult it would be, I wouldn't study it."


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"Haha. But you are doing great, you know? You're in your first year. And you already got a chance to research with teachers. Just imagine it."

"Maybe.. haha. Sunbaenim I want to tell you something if you don't mind."

Jina looked at him with curious eyes and stopped scaling. 

"Yes, please!"

"I really wanted to talk with you for a long time. You're really famous. And I still can't believe that I'm working with you."

"Your expression is really cute. Haha. Am I famous?"

"Yes. You're. My classmates always want to have a conversation with you."

"Thanks to them. And thanks to you."

"Sunbaenim, you're my inspiration."

"Aigooo….you are embarrassing me. I'm not so fast. Let's continue our work. We will have a conversation later. Okey?"

"Alright, Sunbaenim."

Wonwoo and Tzuyu..

Tzuyu was focused on Wonwoo,she was totally in love with him. She wasn't focusing on her work. She was looking at Wonwoo. Wonwoo realized it and smirked,

 Wonwoo realized it and smirked,

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"Tzuyu, focus on the work."

Tzuyu immediately kissed his cheek. Wonwoo widened his eyes,and said,

"You won't let me focus on my work."

Tzuyu thought Wonwoo didn't like it. 

"Sorry...I just…"

Wonwoo stopped her, he pulled her into his arms and kissed on her lips. He whispered,

"When you're with me, I can't pay attention to anything. You're my weakness, Tzuyu."

They kissed again.

Jungkook and Soobin

And Soobin and Jungkook were working quietly. They were both very focused on work. They didn't talk to each other for two hours. They were both tired, their work was almost over. They were sitting and resting for a while. Soobin said,

"Jungkook, It's been nine month Mingyu left. I really miss his present. I called him yesterday."

"What did he say?"

"He said he misses us too. He is so skinny now. And has Jina really forgotten about him?"

"No. She didn't. I tried to tell her the reason thousands of times, but she didn't want to hear his name."

"Don't worry. One day she will know and she will understand everything."

"I hope so."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you still like her?"

"I won't lie. Yes I still like her."

"Then tell her your feelings. Don't hurt yourself. You deserve the best."

Jungkook sighed. Soobin said again,

"I'm not joking, Jungkook. You're the best for her. Tell her."

"I don't want to hurt Mingyu."

"Why do you always think about Mingyu. Think about yourself. I am pretty sure Mingyu will understand everything."

{Guys what do think is Jungkook deserve better?}

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{Guys what do think is Jungkook deserve better?}

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