When a gateway vanishes, it does not mean that a connection is lost. Because the door vanishes only when it is opened. But what happens if Hell and Heaven are connected where the door is opened, while the keepers search for the door elsewhere?


"How can you be so sure R?" "I'm not sure, but this is the best possibility" R replied to the commander, both of them standing outside the quarters, with one of the commander's several aides. The man was standing silently,  as the other two were speaking. "They did not even have digital makeup, and were wearing stealth suits. This itself shows that they did not have much resources. They must certainly be local" "But you are saying that the purple bands are a distraction. Those were the ones that showed who they were to us" "The purple bands must only be the signature of these local guys. We can leave them after initial interrogation, as I have to deliver through them a message, that I'm coming.

"We must proceed with the device's info. The vibro-emanation device must be tracked. Luna!" R shouted and Luna teleported towards him. "What did the man say about his device?" "It amplifies any kind of vibrations, only inside the brain" R let out a breath of angst. This kind of device must only be in the Hall of Science. This man has dared to keep it in his house. "One other thing, R. This device is still to be approved. It seems that this man would have handed this device to the council once he had gotten recognition."

"This man is no good than them. He must have informed on preparing such a weapon. Has he installed any safety devices inside the vibro-emanator?" "Yeah, but it is disabled temporarily. The last signal was at the border of the quarters" "If this all was very pre-planned, why did they steal this device at the last minute? What if this was the last piece in a puzzle?" "The man says that it was only today that he brought the device from his office, as he has to take it with him to the approval from the Council. It can be assumed that they have in someways known about him and have waited till today to steal it."

"But," the commander's aide spoke now, "if the device is of such magnanimous importance, then why would they steal it with the help of locals?" R replied, "I don't know which time you are from, as you should have known that now any kind of organised crime is impossible. Only small scales are possible. I don't know how they managed to build a network." R then saw the face of the aide. His face was a bit sweaty, as if he was just relieved from something. R suspected him, and then recalled his words again, to check what would have caused the panic to him. He was speaking about facts, except only one thing. 'I don't know which time you are from.....'

R clasped the neck of the aide with his left hand and punched the touch-pad on the aide's right hand with much force, diverting the man's concentration, though only a few seconds can be reserved. The commander took advantage of those seconds and and called the troops and disabled teleportations across the area. The man struggled and continued to claim that he was innocent. Many of the soldiers too were in an awkward state, as they did not understand on what basis the arrest is going on. They felt that mere words are not enough to make such decisions.

The aide was bound with force field bounds in a room in one of the buildings of the Headquarters. There was a man who was inserting a chip into the touch-pad of the aide. The man then touched his own touch-pad, and the aide then started speaking. "I'm not able to tell about myself as I'm completely unrelated from your topic of interest, as I'm not from a different time period. I'm not disclosing my identity, like any other soldier of the council. But I recently came in contact with people from a different time period, and they were so powerful that I did not have any choice. That's why I informed them about the happenings in the department. 

"The time-travel-blast that occurred today was with my knowledge, and I was the reason for our fellow official to get into the time-blast. I was the one who delayed the communications to reach the commander. You cannot learn anything from me, as I was only a mere pawn. They had the power to obliterate my whole time-line, and reveal the secrets of my past, ones that are not even in the record. You know what happens in this world once someone's information are revealed. Information is power in the present." R then asked, "What gave you the thought that they could obtain you're information?" "Are you crazy? Did you not hear what I was saying?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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