When the angels and demons fought a war, the god was the one who had the keys to earth. Because he protected what the war would destruct. But what if the keys were lost in the connection of hell and heaven?


"There are many ways to win, there are many ways to lose. But there is only one way to redemption, recuperation and revival. And that is through ME!!!" the man began to laugh ferociously, his laughter echoing through the Hall of Science, where they were standing in. The place was constructed in memorial of the solemn oath that was taken in the name of humanity, that science will not be used to affect the life of human beings in a negative way. But the madman standing on the front aisle was going to bring utter destruction to the whole of humanity. In the future and in the past.

"Stop all these at once! Now!" the official shouted, and raised his weapon towards him.  A  woman was watching at the madman with tears. She was the one who was responsible for creating all this chaos. She knew that these inventions will bring hell and heaven at the same time to earth. But she thought that the knowledge about this invention must have not been deprived for the future generations. She thought that every invention deserved at least to be created once. Usable or not, invention itself is an acknowledgement to the humanity"s skill and prowess. But it was too late when she realized that she had not opened the doors to hell and heaven, but has connected the hell and the heaven. 

"Please dear, stop this madness now..." the woman whimpered and wiped the tears to make her face visible and the concern on it legible to the madman, who did not even listen to a single word from  her mouth. He was clutching the handle of the suitcase-crate he was carrying on his right hand, and his left hand rested on a control board, and he was just one touch away from his aim. But he was not desperate or hesitant to achieve his aim. He wanted to feel the magnanimity of this moment. The official was looking expectantly at thee entrance of the hall.

He was waiting for the other forces to come into the hall anytime. The hall represented all inventive ideas of science, even the once which were prone to destruction, as that was also science. Every invention has the potential to pose a threat to your life and make your life better at the same time. It is the mind of the human who uses it that leads to destruction. The part of the hall they were standing right now was the accommodating place of all the weapons which were unfit for humans to use, or can be said that humans are unfit to use them. They were both celestial weapons and harbingers of doom in the eyes of different people.

The fellow scientist staff could not do anything, but stand silently, looking at the madman and the machine, as one small wrong and they all will be doomed for eternity. The official shouted in anguish,"You cannot do this. You are under the false illusion. What you are believing in is just a mere possibility." His voice was expressing  the concern he had for his old friend, beyond the temporary anguish. "Please don't do this, or I have no other options" he raised his weapon and took aim. 

"I agree with you, that what I'm believing in is just a probability. But that's the only reality in which I will WIN!!" he touched the activate option on the touch-board, and the massive machine behind him started emitting light. "I don't need the world! The world needs me! BECAUSE I AM TIME!!"

The machine behind him started spurring waves of energy. "I have to do this, I'm sorry" the official told to the woman-scientist. "No, no, no please..."she said sobbing, but it was too late. The weapon fired forth invisible waves. The madman managed to dodge away from the heavy impact, but they were waves, so some hit him in his left rib, which made him fall. But the impact was heavy on the suitcase-crate, which made it to open, which was itself a great feat.

"What have you done?!" the madman shouted at the official, who now teleported to the aisle behind which the machine was kept. The official and all the scientists in the room wore a body-containment force-field, all except the madman. They wore the suits to protect them from the impact of the machine, because the machine acts as if time was a dimension.

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