Chapter 46: Root of all evil

Start from the beginning

He was also gagged with that chain, the corners of his mouth dripping blood. Sora saw this and quickly realize that something was completely wrong with not only the situation he finds himself but the crowd around him acting weird.

'This is bad, this is very bad.'

Sora looked around to analyze his situation to save the child held captive by Sirius while the bandage woman was continuing to speak.

"I'm sorry that you're so scared however, as a man, crying like this isn't good. Although I wanted to keep that a secret for you, you look like you're about to urinate yourself. It's a hard feeling, and it's sad when everyone can see it."

"Mmmm! Mmgh!"

Sora looked has the crowd was mocking the little boy, making him get angry by this until finally he spoke out loud enough to overshow everyone's voices.

"That's enough!"

"Huh?" Sirius looked at Sora, seeing the anger in his facial expression and by his voice when speaking out. Before she could say anything, everyone saw Sora jumping onto the building before running up the building which surprised everyone, especially Sirius since she can tell that something is completely different with Sora.

Before she could do anything, Sora quickly casted Thundaga to stop Sirius from doing anything. A giant and powerful lightning bolt hit near Sirius, causing her to fall on her back which put distance between the kid and her. Sora ran up to the top of the building fast enough to get to the kid and freed him by cutting the chains holding him with his Kingdom Key before casting Curaga.

"Get to safety!"

"T-Thank you..." The kid says before running to safety while Sora pointed his keyblade at Sirius, ready for a fight. The bandage woman looked at Sora with anger in her eyes, not liking what the Keyblade Master said. She got up and started to say,

"Why are you angry?! I was trying to spread love!"

"Love? How is that love?! You kidnapped a boy for some messed up reason!"

Sirius looked at Sora with a serious facial expression underneath her bandages before having her chains ready for a fight. As the two were staring at each other, Sora wanted to clarify one thing.

"Before we start, you mention that your name is Sirius Romanee-Conti, correct?"

"Yes, I'm sorry if this sounds rude but mind telling me your name?"

"My name is Sora, Keyblade Master. I wanted to ask if you knew someone named Petelguese."

"My beloved! Yes, I know my love. How do you know him?!" Sirius spoke with such joy and happiness the second she heard Petelguese's name. Sora got into his fighting stance before responding to Sirius' question with a firm tone,

"Sorry to tell you but we beat him, he is no longer here."

"...What...did you...just said...?" Sirius' mood shifted from joy and happiness to one of uncertainty until Sora's words finally got through to her.

"No way...this can't love is...gone...!" She let out a scream of pain and hatred, now having hatred for Sora and the other individual who killed her beloved. She was mad and was prepared to kill Sora yet she had something in her mind. Sora was the only one who spoke out and wasn't following the crowd like one would normally do. Because of this, she paid close attention to the boy before asking her question,

"What are you exactly? You don't seem effected by my powers? Are you one of the virtues or a fellow, a sinner wouldn't save a child..."

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