"Please, Em," you pouted at her.

"You guys do realize that you're seeing each other in 1 hour."

"But, we didn't even get to sleep together!"

She tsked her tongue at you both. "We'll see you soon, Sarah. Y/n, say bye to your future wife!"

"Bye, honey! I love you!"

"I love you too, y/n!" The call ended and you glared at Em.

"Couldn't even let me see my wife."

"Oh, shush. I just want the first time you see her be magical. It'll be one of the things you want to keep a surprise."

"If you say so."

"I promise." She leaned down to hug you, but Charlize gasped loudly causing the blonde to pull away. "What?!"

"Don't ruin the precious hair!"

"Shit! I'm sorry!"

"Mommy," a child from the other room shouted.

"Yes," both women called out.

"Can I see Auntie y/n?" It was little Hazel who was speaking. You could only tell because of the accent. ;)

Em smiled. "Sure, honey. Come in!" Tiny hands turned the door handle and in came a little blonde who looked almost exactly like her mom. (uhm... ive never seen emilys kids move on)

"Why, hello Captain Hazel!" You were continuing a game, shhh.

"Hiii!" She climbed up onto your lap. "You look pretty!"

"Not as pretty as you! My little flower girl." You hugged her tight. "You remember what to do?"

"Mhm! I gotta sit there and look cute like always!"

You giggled along with her. "What about the flowers?"

"Uhh... I have to hold the basket thing and throw them?"

"Basically," you nodded. "Good job, sweetie."

"Thank you," Hazel said as she kissed your cheek. "Can I put on some mascara, Sailor y/n?"

"You're going to have to ask your mom."

Hazel hopped off your lap. "Mommyyyy?"

"Yeah, baby?"

"Can Auntie y/n put mascara on me?" Hazel put on her best puppy eyes.

"How do you know what that is?"

"Y/n taught me!" Emily looked over at you.

"Whaattt? We were just having fun."

Em sighed. "Alright, but only a little bit."

Hazel cheered walking back over to you. You applied her mascara expertly, surprisingly receiving only smiles from Em.

"Okay. Now, make a kissy face." Hazel did what she was told swiftly with no questions. You spread "lipstick" on her lips which made her smile grow larger. A smile transferred onto your face because of it. You genuinely couldn't stand children, but they're tolerable when they have decent manners. Just kidding, you absolutely loved Charlize and Emily's kids. Like they were your own.

"Go show your mom."

Hazel once again hopped off your lap. You smiled over at the two of them before looking over at Charlize.

"Where's Jackson and August?"

"They're in the other room. Probably on their IPads."

"Ohhh. Alright. How's Jackson? Is she okay?"

One Look - Sarah PaulsonWhere stories live. Discover now