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"It's not true, is it?". Hoseok asks Jimin as he walks over to where he, Yoongi, Taehyung, Seokjin and Namjoon are standing. 


"The article about you and Jungkook. I thought you hated each other.".

Jimin groans.

"Yeah, it was just a stupid... accident.".

Seokjin raises an eyebrow.

"So that picture is the reason you hung up on me?".

"Fuck you, don't tell me you're still salty about that.".

Yoongi laughs.

"So, how's Kook doing? Last time I saw him was at MMA's.".

"Why was Jungkook at a music show?". Taehyung asks curiously.

"To cheer me on, don't get your hopes up. He's going to be single for the rest of his life, by the way it's looking.".  Jimin scoffs.

"No shit. And I don't want to talk about him, ugh. Uh, Yoongi, Hoseok, wasn't it your anniversary yesterday?".

"Stop trying to change the subject.". Hoseok tells him. "I know you're just salty because you had a scandal with him, as if you're not totally in love with him".

"Excuse you?! I am not in love with that crusty ass straggot-".

"Jimin, you're, like, Draco Malfoy level obsessed with him.". Taehyung says, trying not to laugh as Jimin glares, running a hand through his hair angrily.

"Okay, and? It's because I hate him.".

"You hate him, but you also want him to dick you down.". Namjoon says, to which Jimin glares at him.

"I'm unfollowing you and removing you from all my tags and telling your fans that you pissed your pants when you auditioned to be a trainee.".

Namjoon gasps.

"You would never.".

"I'll leak your 2013 search history too, bitch.".

"That's just evil." Seokjin says. "Count me in.".

"What's evil?". Jungkook asks, giving Taehyung a quick hug, but the smile disappears from his face once he sees Jimin. "Never mind, I'll just-".

"Yeah, you should go.". Jimin snaps, and Seokjin snickers.

Usually, Jungkook would love Seokjin, but when he's with Jimin and Taehyung the three turn into this Mean Girls archetype trio, and even if they completely disagree with the other's opinions they'll still laugh and compliment their insults. A nightmare, really. Even their matching Chanel earrings and crop tops makes Jungkook want to throw up. They clearly coordinated their outfits today, Jimin in soft pastel pink, Taehyung in pastel blue and Seokjin in lilac.

They remind him of those three from Mean Girls, Jimin's Regina George the terrible, bitchy, rich, blonde queen Bee, Seokjin is Gretchen Wieners with even richer parents and tea on everyone in the industry, it's even rumored he carries around a notebook with the gossip that he shares with his best friends and Taehyung, his best friend Taehyung whom Jimin probably only invited to his little clique to piss Jungkook off but ended up adoring him, is definitely Karen Smith. Dumb, gorgeous and slutty.

"Oh, shut up, Jimin, let him stay.". Taehyung chides.

"Ugh, it's fine. But that's with your outfits, Jesus, I'm getting a headache just looking at you.".

Taehyun scoffs.

"Rude. I'm sorry that we're not stuck in 2016 with black skinny jeans and combat boots.".

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