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Grace's POV

"Also known as the current leader of Hydra" My mom spoke up.

"We defeated Hydra." Steve said and mom laughed.

"Maybe. But in the five years that half the population was gone, the remaining Hydra agents put us back together. Then in the eight months that three of the Avengers were dead to the world, and with one injured, one off world and the other retired, we regained our numbers."

"Why are you here?" I asked her.

"To bring you with us. You were always supposed to be the next leader of Hydra"

"No way in hell is she going with you! You abandoned her!" Dad yelled and I scoffed.

"Yeah and what did you do the past eight months? How about stop being a fucking hypocrite and let me handle this. Like how I have been handling everything while you were on your little vacation."

"Grace, eight months is nowhere near eight years." Steve tried helping.

"I get it Steve. My parents suck"

"I left for your own good. You needed a better life so that you could become the woman I always knew you would be."

"If I needed a better life than why not tell me yourself who my father was! Why not take me to his house yourself!"

"Because you would have wanted to live with both of us and I didn't want to take care of you anymore. You weren't as smart as I needed you to be. So I faked my death. Leaving you with no other option than to live with your father"

"This to too much for me." I reached down and pulled my heels off. Homecoming is not the right place for this.

"Grace, you don't really have a choice here. You either come with me and start your training or I have my men kill your boyfriends Aunt and then your sister, Morgan. I don't think Pepper would appreciate her husband's ex-lover killing her daughter"

"May is fine. May left New York after they dropped us off." Peter said.

"Yeah, she's on a flight to LA with Happy the bodyguard" My mom pulled out her phone and showed us footage of May and Happy on the plane.

"I'll come with you." I mumbled.

"Sorry what was that?"

"I'll come with you" I snapped.

"Well I see you got your father's attitude." She nodded her head and some of her men started walking towards me. The avengers made a move to stop me.

"Stop. I'm going with her. For Morgan and For May." I looked at Peter. "I love you" And with that, I followed my mother out the hole in the gym.

Peter's POV

"What the fuck just happened?" Mr. Stark asked in shock.

"The mother of your oldest child just blasted through the gym wall and took my girlfriend." I said with a bit of an attitude. He shot me a look. Why can't homecoming ever be normal. Late time I fought my date's dad and this time I have to fight my girlfriends mom.

"That's the superhero life for you" Rhodey told me.

"Well this would be a lot easier if she still had her tracker on her" Mr. Stark glared at me.

"She's the one who took it out. I had nothing to do with it"

"You started dating her. She got a boyfriend and then felt the need to start being a teenager. She started drinking, missing curfew, doing all this shit! And it is all your fault Parker" I scoffed at him. My mentor is yelling at me, in the middle of my school gym. Luckily everyone has been evacuated.

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